
Full Disclosure: When the King told me to head East to meet Impa I immediately went North to see how close to the castle I could get before going West, South, Southwest, and any direction that wasn’t to see Impa.

this is a david alan grier bit. He has done this bit for years. So this just proves SNL is a hack joke stealing show and white ppl are not to blame

Sure, when you change what you think is Racist, hate speech, etc.. but with Trump as president how’s that working out for you? Keep on with the name calling, protests and doing things the same way as before the election and you get to enjoy him for another 4 years after.

Well, if Leslie Jones or or another black cast member pitched or wrote the skit, it wouldn’t be racist. It would still be dumb and unfunny, though.

If he wasn’t born with both sets of genitals or neither, he was born male or female. There’s nothing disrespectful about stating that fact.

Correction: Image shows service attendant refilling blinker fluid- completely non-combustible.

I hate the Pats, and Spygate maaaaybe had some very slight legitimacy, but Deflategate was the biggest crock of shit.

that doesn’t even make sense. It has been proven LITERALLY proven, with science that there was no cheating going on. It was thrown out of court because there was no case there at all.

I didn’t think it was as great as many vocal ones make it out to be, but I sure did enjoy it. The nostalgia overwhelmed me, though, so I can’t be completely unbiased.

Says the woman who draws from the “white people are the worst” well weekly.

I don’t give a damn about the health benefits. Pickles are delicious (only the dill ones).

No, she wasn’t. People blame her because in every interview she has given, she talks about her decision-making process. She describes it as being very methodical, objective metrics, spreadsheet affair.

Can’t wait till they start turning yellow

It always bothers me when people bring up the popular vote. Guess what, the popular vote *doesn’t count* and both candidates campaigned based on the *electoral college*. Who knows what the final total would be if the campaigns based their strategy on gaining the popular vote? Maybe Trump picks up a lot of votes in CA

There was never supposed to be another challenger in the Democratic primary. Hillary was their chosen one many years ago for 2016, and if Sanders hadn’t come out of nowhere (not unlike the way Trump did, by the way), the primary would have been Hillary, Webb, O’Malley, and whathisface with the frog puppets from Rhode

You totally left one of the most important ones out:

“she was so hot that it was 7 strokes, about 2 seconds, and I was done”

“Are you now or have you ever been a believer that man-made CO2 emissions are responsible for rapid global warming? Answer the question!”

Yeah, this is the one moment where Jobs being a churlish dick himself would work very well.

What backlash? What criticism? What concern? All I see is a few loudmouths trying to score some points and get some clicks online. Leave WestWorld to the story and not to be catered to anyone or any special group of people. If the story requires to focus on a particular characters sexuality then please go ahead, but