
I TOTALLY had this happen to me in Dragon Age II. I'm straight, and I was playing what I assumed was a straight version of Hawk, but none of the female characters made sense as love interests for my version of Hawk. Anders on the other hand felt like he was the only logical choice for Hawk. Considering what happens at

I'm not sure you quite understand the vocabulary being used there. There are few scientific theories that are backed up by as much evidence as the theory of evolution. Referring to it as a fact in the colloquial sense of the word (which is very explicitly how it's presented in the show) is absolutely appropriate.

I'm not sure I see the difference?

Single best reply I've seen on Kotaku.

My first thought was: FILM THE DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT. But then I remembered that the way this photography works is by firing multiple light pulses in a regular pattern and offsetting the exposures accordingly. No observing the collapse of the wave function for us :/ .

That's odd. I actually love the gameplay in the newest game (for the most part. Still a bigger fan of the original). I suppose it's a different strokes kind of deal. But yeah, bioware games have always been VERY story heavy, so if that's not your jam, you'd do well to steer clear of them.

Damn. That's actually a pretty salient point. I do love me some gav.

Those are some pretty pictures, but no amount of digital beer goggles is going to get me past: "MMO made for the Korean Market"

Are you telling me this blood elf update is...


Aww, that's cute. You're cute. Havin' that strong opinion on my political affilation. You're precious. Have a cookie.

The republican party might currently be the biggest cheerleader for the telecoms, but that doesn't mean dirty money hasn't made its way across the isle. Yeah man, you're totally right. In fact, Obama's nomination of the scumbag currently in charge of the FCC is the major reason we're having this debate right now. Tom

I like that we have this notion that the president is somehow the Emperor of America. Stockmarket doing bad? Obama. Stock market doing good? Obama. Jobs? Obama. Healthcare, taxes, military spending, infrastructure, regulation. Clearly all Obama. It's almost like we don't even have that whole other branch of government

It's not really a partisan politics issue here. The FCC is not staffed with elected officials, but rather appointees so Don's reaction is not technically warranted in this case. Still. It's rather hard not to jump to his conclusion if you don't know much about how that agency works. I'm very glad you agree with

HUUURRRRKKK. Steady on old chap. Must not cry...

Wow. I'm kind of having a hard time processing that South Park is so incredibly on point with this. This episode is friggin great.

Damnit, I just can't be cynical about this one. This is EXACTLY the direction I hoped the series would go when it was done with its 'ripped from the headlines' tropes. They've finally become what they've always been threatening to become: Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty.

And I couldn't be more excited about that.

I've never been a believer in purchasing a console at launch. The first games out of the gate tend to feel rushed or broken despite the best intentions of the developer. Knack definitely feels like a little of both.

It's not aggressively bad. It's middling, which for a launch title is really unfortunate, if not unexpected. I'm glad you had fun with the game. I played through it and for the life of me, I wasn't able to squeeze any joy out of the experience. I'm glad that somebody got their money's worth out of this dud.

They get a bad rap because they're just not very well made. Aside from the first installment, the cinematography is poor, the special effects are lackluster, and the designs of the robots are eye-scouringly complex and unreadable. That the movies are about robots punching each other does not excuse poor technical