
Let me guess - the similarities begin and end at “black and driving a car”.

Anyone still asking that question is either white or not paying attention. Most likely both.

“Why would a cop shoot somebody?”

The police are not your friends. Now watch the most dangerous gang in America close ranks, say nothing bad about the murderer and smear the innocent man they murdered.

Hell no! They’d call Little Chad’s mother, father or guardian who would in turn bring him in to the station AT THEIR LEISURE with their attorney. If a deal is struck, he would get a slap on the wrist, like some community service and that would be the end of that. 

How GD stupid can the Lieutenant, Sargeant, and their precient CO be to think that a no knock warrant and raid was the right course of action for an alleged nonviolent teenager offender?!

Looks like I need to have the obeah lady put another curse on her.

Now only is the white woman’s home her home, but so is a black man’s home!

To all those in earlier posts telling me that forgiveness was the better choice to give this person....

Sue. Make them pay. I would like to know if they made it all up about the stolen motorcycle turned minivan or was it a wolf call by some idgit whom wants to just try to get some black folk arrested, beat up or killed? Just asking.

Yep. It won’t be long before the same old statement. “They feared for their lives.”

Thank you....

Here’s my guess as to how a stolen motorcycle morphed into a van in the minds of these police. First of all, the only resemblance was the license plate number. So they are not out there looking at every license plate before looking at the vehicle to determine whether it matches a stolen vehicle description. So they

Needs new header! They were looking for a stolen motorcycle, they stopped an SUV.

Countdown to the Aurora Police Union whining that they’re the real victims here.

The same PD that drugged, tortured, murdered and then GLOATED and TAUNTED a 140lb unarmed black kid named Elijah McClain

“Who am I going to call when my life is in danger?”

This is absolutely horrible and makes my blood boil! They don’t give a damn about US! I so hope the parents of these babies take them to therapy. This tavesty they just experienced can cause PTSD and other mental health and physical illness to them. Damn this is crazy...

Diverse “for New Hampshire” :)

New Hampshire is not known for its diversity. There are like 17 black and brown people in the whole state and she was harassing like 25% of them.