
To be fair, he is probably exhausted from having more sex than any of the 113 men who finished in front of him.

When you woke up this morning, did you think of yourself as someone who would call the teenaged survivor of a mass shooting a liar on the internet, or are you surprised to learn that about yourself?

If this was done to Hillary or, any other woman, liberals would be in the streets, dressed as vaginas and calling for the death of the cartoonist and the TV show host

Using his own logic against him, then if he is not a billionaire in the next 10 years, it’s his own fault. Seeing as it was so easy for him to increase his net worth by 1,000 times, he should be able to easily do it all over again.

What is it with Bitcoin millionaires being so insufferable? Maybe it’s that they know it’s not real money unless people invest real dollars. Once it happens they can all sell and be real rather than virtual millionaires.

I’ve never wanted Bitcoin to crash until this very moment.

“You’ve gotta be in it to win it!” shouts local lottery winner.

I still have a place in my heart for that game, as none of my friends and I could afford or snag a PlayStation at launch, but a friend did get Toshinden as a gift from a family member and my friends and I loved we could drop that baby in a CD player and rock out to the music before our various methods landed us enough

I remember Battle Arena Toshinden, was my first fighting game on the PS1. (did not have a fighting game on the Sega 8bit mastersystem)..

And the fact that it was called Battle Arena Toshinden proves your point precisely!

But I want toys!

Did you see it in Australia?

My impression is that she was wanting to see it with everyone else on the standard premiere night. I think that would be a very surreal and lovely thing to experience as an actor; hang out in comfortable clothing with the people you worked so hard to entertain instead of hanging out with industry professionals in a

That’s too bad. I have a 10+ year old Panasonic plasma TV that still has a great looking picture. I’d much rather buy from them than a company that installed a root kit on my computer. Yes, I’m still salty about that lo these many years later.

Not enough stars.

Holy Crap!

As long as Ming-Na Wen has a cameo, I’m good.

Quill has the Fizzy Lifting Drip?

In 1989, my godmother was taking a shower, when she looked up and saw a huntsman spider roughly the size of a dinner plate right above her head. She thought, ‘no worries, I will just calmly and quietly finish up this shower before he has a chance to move.’ Right at that moment, the Newcastle earthquake stuck, rattling

Thor Cat kinda reminds me of Saga Cat, for some reason