
“...wriggling around and trying to sting you.” 

Colonialism is awful, but there is still no legitimate reason why this telescope shouldn’t be built.

I’m disappointed to see worthy projects being thwarted and mysticism still in action today, all in the name of “Religion.”

*fingers crossed* - I think a fake magician using stolen technology would fit right in with the Homecoming / MCU aesthetic.

You are a delightful human being with impeccable taste in Fish-bowl-headded villainy. If (and I hope it’s soon) and when Beck makes it to the Big screen, he needs that outfit. Applying realism to Mysterio is a insane idea, so go the opposite, make him as gaudy, flashy and beautifully confounding as his comic looks.

Starred because Stig.

I think Double XP wins this round.

Dead Bath & Beyond

There’s a seal who lives a life of danger

I really don’t like autoplay videos. :(

I thought I was going to get to read a buncha stuff they were surprised about.

Pound-for-pound, Daredevil is the greatest fighter that ever lived!

Not even a mention of Noob-Noob. That guy gets it.

...looks like Thor: Ragnarok will be Queen-free...

Marvel should get together with DC and do a special crossover with Matter-Eater Lad. Call them... Binge & Purge! Oh my god, I’m a genius! Get me Axel Alonso and Bob Harras on the phone!

A pengwing of Cumberbatches.

Just me doing a poor imitation of H.P. Lovecraft.