I concur. These non-electronics-retailer-employee peons don't know what's what.
I concur. These non-electronics-retailer-employee peons don't know what's what.
Motorstorm is probably dropping soon, and R3 is already $40 at Best Buy. Dunno where you work, but my store's on top of it.
Now there's something I've never really thought about. Hmm. Well, we could go back to cartridges across the entire medium! Either that, or we as gamers can be patient a little bit, and let the developer finish their damn game, already! I hate the "Day-One DLC" model we've gotten used to. We're already paying…
Trolly Troll is a Troll.
Well, working in Best Buy Gaming, at least in California: our store has Brink for $10-20 and Duke Nukem for $20, both new. Dunno about the rest of the company, but we will match any brick-and-mortar storefront in proximity to the Best Buy store, so you can always get the, ahem, Best Buy. It's KMART, in my…
You, sir, win an internet. On a related note: this also works with Dire Straights and Daft Punk. Play Harder Better Faster Stronger and watch the muted video for Money for Nothing. Start both at the same time, you'd be surprised at how well the cuts work in sync with the music. Sadly, the music ends a bit too…
I HAVE BEEN THINKING THIS EXACT SAME THING. I haven't done the math, granted, but 3-type Pokemon (with 2 type moves...?) would revolutionize the games. Also: I wants me some 3D Pokemans on my Nintendo Stream/Cafe/Wii2/Phallic Reference.
Netflix definitely works. Try to log into PSN when it prompts you, you will get an error message, hit O. Netflix will load again, prompt you to log in again, log in, get the same error, and then you're in. Fun times!
Fahey, if there's anything us gaming community/Kotaku faithfuls can do to help you out, just let us know. The gaming community always pulls together for a nerd in need. It's one of the reasons I'm proud to be a gamer! Stay strong, man.
So I think their hesitance with labeling it PSP2 comes from their desire to market it as a portable PS3 with full PSN integration and PS3-esque graphics and hardware (pound for pound, anyway). In light of that: I honestly can't think of what would be an apropos name for it... er... PS3P? PSNP?
My Best Buy will immediately sell out of the Move standalone controller whenever we get it in, we have a bunch of the navigation controller though. The $400 bundles sell quite well (160 GB of space for free...!), the $100 bundle for PS3 owners has moved a few units, to boot. I've actually been kinda impressed with…
@ComplicitOwl: I've tried PowerGig at E3, and it is just Guitar Hero/Rock Band but with a six-string guitar rather than a plastic button. It doesn't matter which string you press, just as long as it is in the correct colored fret. Rock Band 3 is aiming for a true guitar experience.
@JGab: Hmm. Well I would be able to do the trade on Thursday, as I have the day off. My email is the same as my handle here just at gmail.com, so shoot me a message with friend code and we'll get it all worked out, cool? I trade with my brother on the East Coast all the time, even though I have since moved out to…
@ZENimilian: Shite, number is - 0215 7368 5223. Middle number was wrong earlier.
@JGab: ON DIAMOND I HAVE ALL BUT 8 POKEMON TOO! I'm missing Celebi, Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza, Regi-rock/steel/ice, and... Oh shite, that's it. I actually have 486... Hmm. Anyway - want to team up and help a brotha out? Trade, trade back? That deal? Name/Code - ZEN/0215 7386 5223
@Helis: Totally have 486. So bloody close...!
@Trai_Dep: Or, 364 days old. But, you know, not nitpicking or anything...!
@searching with my good eye closed: Good, good! my favorite one by far. The Chun-Li death sound effect makes me lol every time!
@Toshi: Best. Pokemon names. Evar.
Left handedness is a fun burden, let me tell ya. Smearing with some pens, risk of injury when operating most machinery; there are quite a few reasons behind the statistic that lefties live, on average, ten years less than righties. We are supposedly better athletes though!