

Nah, in Golden, the true ending shows how much they’ve changed/grown. Naoto is definitely more open about dressing like a girl.

Dust: An Elysian Tail
Freedom Planet
Ori and the Blind Forest
Dusty Revenge
Ducktales Remastered
Sine Mora
Dillon's Rolling Western
the Worms franchise

All of these things are fair and rational requests to make. Can't see any reason anyone would have a problem with any of them.

What's the problem with shedding more light on the fact that a lot of people give gamers a bad name by being total cunts? It's an ongoing problem, and it's worthy of discussion. If you don't like it or won't see it, go stick your head back in the sand.

somebody is quick to assume. i picked out each part special online. i didnt just have some parts laying around and i did the research. i checked compatibilities on socket types and how much ram and what type is supported by the motherboard as well as how many gpu's it would support. i know i have a modular power