
Yawn. I understand your crunch articles do good numbers, but this isn’t news, if you work for any company that is near the top of their respective industries. I work extra hours at the end of every month, my wife “crunches” four times a year during quarterly reports, and my best friend “crunches” by working 12 hour day

I feel you. I had some good moments with Destiny online, but also very annoying ones, with other players having a shouting match with their girlfriend while being on team-chat, or one of them apparently changing his baby’s diaper at some point through the game... not to mention the occasional barking of a dog or

You beat me to my response.  I’ll stick to single player games thanks to the toxic players.  The ONLY way I would do a multiplayer game would be to have people I know and a password protected server to keep out other people.

I turned on Sea of Thieves for the first time, sailed to a port and picked up a bush to transport. I returned back to my boat to find it occupied. I was immediately killed.

This is maddening. Yes, it is tragic that something like this happened to such an incredible monument (Albert Burneko’s piece on The Concourse nicely captured the gravity of this loss). But IIRC, the Catholic church is one of the wealthiest organizations in the world. They can afford to fix their own damn building.