One of my favorites... John Cena putting over the Nintendo Gamecube
One of my favorites... John Cena putting over the Nintendo Gamecube
85/100... what a fucking joke... more like 60/100
90s video game magazines were magical... especially PlayStation Magazine with demo discs.
Cool, more movies box art to look at while I fall asleep looking at them.
I want one but I don’t want to pay that price.
Well, that is what happens when you take a real game, from a real gaming device, played by real gamers... and give it to the person who uses a tablet or phone as their gaming device, even though it wasn’t designed mainly for gaming. You can only get so much from a phone. Go buy the real thing.
What the fuck kind of motherboard does 256GB of RAM? Someone send me a link to that. I’ve seen motherboards go up to 64GB and maybe one that does 128GB. That is a frickin insane rig. My PC has 32GB of ram.
that looks gross. Looks like one of those things that will permanently effect your health.
Was listening to this song while watching Maury on Pix 11 and a “You’re not the father” moment came abouts and big fat lady started dancing to the music.
You wish you were a PC... but you’re not. The reason I did not buy a PS4 or Xbox One is because of this...
Valve apologizing? That’s the first.
When Steam works.. it works the best... when it doesn’t work... oh well.
That transcript is wrong... the ref didn’t ask “Do you want to kick?”... he said “Do you want to kick.” in a form that certainly wasn’t a question and screwed over the Patriots.
It was the fucking ref that screwed it up... he completely dismissed the Patriots call really fast and didn’t even give them a fucking choice.
Ya... stealing shit. Good job... doesn’t pay to be dishonest.
How about an old school Christmas video game treat?
If you say so, but its a fact that Wii U has the best exclusives this generation.
Every console has a few bad exclusives... but the Wii U, over all, has the best exclusives for this generation.
I own the remote already. I paid almost $300 for it a year ago.
I own the remote already. I paid almost $300 for it a year ago.