Wii U owners are not the same because the majority of them also own PS3 or Xbox One. However, it is a fact that the Wii U does have the best exclusives, but the least amount of games.
Wii U owners are not the same because the majority of them also own PS3 or Xbox One. However, it is a fact that the Wii U does have the best exclusives, but the least amount of games.
the originally is best... the other wannabe maps are just overdone and take away from the original fun factor.
bloodgulch is only good for Halo. Halo 1 on PC is best for online bloodgulch.
Our healthcare system in the United States is criminal. It all comes down to either you eat and pay your bills or your pay for health insurance because and its extremely over priced deductible.
Why would you even bring up God of War? I personally have no problem with playing PlayStation but now I’m going to think twice because of how many moronic fanboys exist this generation for PS4. You have an attitude as if you are the best and nothing else matters and I personally don’t like hanging in that crowd. I…
its only horrible if you are a democrat. get over it.
I will confirm that Half-Life 3 is secretly being worked on using an unknown engine from the ground up and will be released someday.
Our government is too busy trying to disarm everyone instead of trying to protect us from any threats. In fact, they want to bring Syrian refugees into our country knowing that some of them are obviously terrorists, even after what happened in France. Would Russia do this? No, because they actually protect their…
Well... I guess its okay if a white character is voiced by a black actor but the other way around... oh no... black lives matter! What a joke. There is nothing wrong with actors doing voice work for anything.
Considering that the console is 10 years old... that looks pretty damn good and worth playing. There is a small difference between last gen and this generation which is why I still play 360.
how the hell could the shooters escape?
Oh.. you can do all these cool things in Minecraft... but zero fucks given here. Yes... I said it.
That is pretty damn cool... I would love to just be in the damn game though instead of having a TV on the wall. How large can you make that artificial TV i wonder....
I don’t get it... all Dead or Alive games always had bouncing tits and they all released in US.
You can get Mario Maker at Best Buy for around $45 with gamers club unlocked.
You can get Mario Maker at Best Buy for around $45 with gamers club unlocked.
the game could have been cleanly ported to 360 and PS3... i would of bought it.
Amazing... I just repurchased an 500gb Xbox 360 at Best Buy for 199.99 and redownloaded all of my games. I am strongly considering buying a 2TB hard drive for the 360 so that I can buy more games because the prices are good now that the system is last gen. I’ll be real honest, there is a small difference between last…
Well back in the day, SNES and N64 games did cost around $70 because cartridges became more and more expensive due to the fact that everyone else slowly switched to CD.