
The current generation of F1 cars have already proven you don’t need ‘the noise’. That being said, attending a Formula E race wasn’t much different than the local RC club events.  It was uninspiring.  I have a feeling I’d watch anything that sounded like the 3.0 V10.

I respect this point of view, however its worth also keeping in mind that if you want to go racing in the absolute highest performing cars on the planet there’s still a huge gulf between F1 and everything else. More so now since the end of LMP1.

I didn’t say it would never be possible, I said it wasn’t feasible today. You said there’s no technical reason why electric can’t be just as fast, but in fact there are many technical reasons that have not yet been solved that prevent electric from being as fast.

That’s Lorem Ipsum.

I know she’s just a mascot who really has no power at all (yelling at people doesn’t work) but to prop someone up to this level without actually having a solution is a waste of time. stop yelling at each other and find a solution. wait a min, Greta may be on to something.... if we get rid of men and capitalism the

Shhh! You can’t say that! If you even smile at this trailer it means you hate women! hasn’t 2019 taught you anything? ;)

1) It’s the first trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Oh, but Judeo-Christian beliefs (like all religious beliefs) are nuts. You can call them parables all you like, but for the longest time people believed them literally. And many still believe their literal truth even today. And if they are all parables, how can you determine what’s real or not?

It just rubs me the wrong when when someone makes a baseless claim, then, when they get called out, they double down and set a up a bunch of straw man arguments.

You’re wrong saying he’s not an engineer. He has a degree, has real world experience as an engineer at an automotive supplier, and practices engineering

When Major League Baseball was going through its Mitchell Report steroid investigations, Cal Ripken was my favorite player. While beloved players dropped like flies - McGwire, Sosa, Clemens, Manny, Palmeiro, Pettite - I lived in constant fear that Ripken’s name would be the next to drop. Despite literally no evidence

Go visit the Nintendo Switch subreddit and portability is the  primary reason people there justify any game’s price and performance on the Switch. That subreddit is such an echo chamber that I unfollowed that subreddit and never looked back.

Yeah, exactly zero games are better on the switch. They're more portable, but they're compromised. Nintendos best controllers are inferior to the Xbox pack ins. 

Um...part of the reason the church became so filled with parts was that the church put a half-blind monk in charge of stacking bones and managing the corpses - not exactly the most efficient means of dealing with a problem. And yes, what else to you describe a superstition based ideology that leads people to believe

Also, to answer your question of “why”, let’s think about this - a society that has based itself around an established death cult has all its superstitions and fears built around the fear of a wrathful god f*cking up everyones sh!t. Not good for business. So these royalties get together and start grooming kids to what

lol imperialist, maybe because of my preconceived notions of civil societies due to the era I live in, though I said nothing of race(you’re also assuming I’m white and American), but that was quite a knee jerk to answer your own question with an “I dunno.” First off, let’s do some real sociology here, we can easily

lol what does white supremacy have to do with criticizing death cults? You realize there’s a very good chance that one of those children were still alive when either they had their head chopped off or, even more creepy, had someone elses head shoved over theirs before dying. See, as someone who’s studied history of

This is kind of what annoys me about this whole thing. The whole Dexit rage is overblown for sure, but also, there’s a lot to be disappointed with in GameFreak.

They’ve been lazy developers for the longest time, and you’re spot on with them borking their future-proofing. Some of their decisions are so obviously aimed

Look you can love whatever game you want. Ive always held the opinion that other people’s negative opinions on things I like can shove it.

Fair points.