Mr Jim

I don’t mind it when shows reference real life events, but straight up copying them takes me out of the episode. Straight up turning Freeland into Charlottesville was facepalming. It’s almost as bad as Trump being President over in Supergirl.

Fffffffuuuuuuccckkkk this storyline.

Someone will have to draw a pussy and put it on the end of a fishing pole so he’ll be lured out of his house when he’s way too tempted grab it.

i always assumed its so has the privacy to furiously masterbate every time he sees himself on the tee vee.

For all the publicity and vitriol (all so richly deserved) the restroom provisions garnered, it is the wider elimination of anti-discrimination laws and remedies that will have a more far reaching impact in terms of people affected. The whole bill is garbage.