
Wow. What an appropriately short list.

Hey, remember when on live TV a drunk Joe Namath sold Suzy Kolber that he wanted to kiss her?

To lose along the way

I’m already making up excuses to get out of going to those and I’m not even a father yet.

Do they still hate each other? Or is that Mike’s Hard Lemonade under the bridge at this point?

Thanks for the vine, Jim


I think it lessens the incentive for people to apologize for and make up for past mistakes if people refuse to give them even the slightest bit of credit for doing so.

Hm. I think woody allen is a creep and predator, but Manhattan is one of my favorite movies. I think polanski is a rapist, but I love Chinatown. It seems that louis is a creep and predator as well, but I really enjoy his stand up and some of the projects he’s helped launch. It’s ok to enjoy art made by fucked up

If anything ever came out about Mr. Rogers there would certainly be mass suicide.

You may as well do that with every show ever made. Seriously, if you decide which entertainment you consume, whether it’s music, movies, TV, stage or other, somebody, somewhere involved with the product is the kind of person you’d rather not associate with. That also goes for every product you wear, eat, and use. A

Ironically this whole thing happened because Louis already pulled his own streaming content.

Clearly not the only thing he was Hands-on with...I’ll see myself out.

I think Trump is doing a good enough job of taking us closer to WWIII on his own. A fraud tweeting in Trump’s place can only make us safer than the @realDonaldTrump.

How? Who gives a shit, there’s real hope for the future of this team! Go Stones!

I don’t get it either. If this were at home, it’d be understandable. Everyone’s more themselves when they think they’re not being watched.

Romo: Wow, at least Suh didn’t murder him, huh?

Choke the Raven nevermore.