You know the ground is dirty, right?
You know the ground is dirty, right?
Oldest trick in the book. Jimmy’s gonna fill his bindle with everyone else’s clothes.
Best Denver-area food challenge performance by a journalist since Maureen Dowd.
Yeah, I love that this claim is being offered up with no evidence. You know what sport’s ratings are down even more? Flag humping NASCAR.
The group of people is easily identifiable by their red hats.
90 degrees, so when you flip through the pages, they properly fold over and leave a nice little triangle up in the corner.
Take the gig, be super professional and treat the technical folks and the tour manager respectfully, and you get on The List. Somebody needs a drummer they’re gonna ask around and maybe your name comes up. Nobody who matters judges a working musician for playing for a paycheck.
WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.
A solid example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more...
Ken Griffey Jr. for N64. Full of guys to remember. My rotation is Brad Radke, Steve Sparks, Tim Wakefield, Bret Saberhagen, and Mike Hampton. (I made some trades.)
So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?
There are a number of nefarious activities to watch out for when your Social Security number has been compromised.…
Fit the description of what? The police didn’t even know what happened.
Then you should also like Ma Bell. She’s got the ill communication.
My dad served in Nam. I asked him how he felt about the protests, he is of the opinion that nothing is a greater tribute to his service than fellow Americans utilizing their right to protest.
Ditto. But apparently these astoundingly whiny donut-humpers have given up on the fantasy that the protests are disrespectful to US and are now willing to admit that they’re offended on their own child-murdering behalf, so I guess that’s sort of progress.
In case you haven’t met a vet that has absolutely no problem with any of these protests and doesn’t feel disrespected in the slightest: Hi, it’s nice to meet you.
I’ll trade it for their not shooting any 12-year-olds with little warning and then lying to cover it up.
The police department that shot Tamir Rice has a problem with black players protesting police violence/discrimination. Natch.