
See, that’s racist too. It’s not like other people chose to be only one race.

Race is just a proxy for power. If everyone’s race was suddenly indistinguishable tomorrow, society would just latch onto some other characteristic to use for the sake of “othering” and discrimination.

Even if people didn’t just discriminate based on shades (as they do in many places like Brazil), people will always find a way to discriminate. The Greeks and Romans didn’t think of people in terms of race. They didn’t discriminate against black or Asian people (whom they did have contact with). But they found plenty

At the end of the day, many of those white people who go out of their way to profess how they’re “allies” are the worst (most insidious) racists. As long as they can live in white or safely “gentrified” neighborhoods far removed from where poor black people live, they scream about how horrible other white people are

You linked 2 articles that I saw, and neither supported your bullshit claim that “There are plenty of people with the right experience not getting the job because of their gender or race.”

There are plenty of people with the right experience not getting the job because of their gender or race.

I suppose it also comes down to marketing, when the Prime minister of India comes up and says we will be the best at IT and makes the news, there is a change in perception. However, any African country that says we will beat you in X industry would either be considered a joke or a threat. In biotech forums i visit, I

I’m so glad so many white people are here to make sure that no one calls Amy out on the constant racism in her acts.

I went to her show in Austin when she went into detail about a sex act where a guy is banging his woman from behind, switches with his friend without her knowing, then walks outside the house and waves at her from the window as she’s still getting fucked by his friend. On the one hand, the audience roared with

The woman in that picture looks like Jeff Daniels.

Then how do you explain all of the Indian men (and women) who pass these tests. Are white men from New York, Asian American men from San Jose, and India Women from Delhi from the same cultural backgrounds? You could also argue that programming and writing code itself is “culturally specific” as well, but you’re not

Not that simple. There are plenty of artistic/academic parents without much money who keep tons of books in the house and don’t watch bad television. Culture has one hell of a lot to do with it.

I’m 30 years in with GE and then Cisco Systems. Never met a black woman engineer. Two were programmers.

Why be up in arms about this dearth of women in tech?

Are you people for real ?? Everything is about race now these days wtf seriously what now your going to force feed this bull shit does it really fucking matter the people who run these operations don't give a fuck get the fuck out of here you people are sick everyone's a racist if they don't agree piss off liberal

Um, I’m about %99.999 sure Slowham-9 is making the same point as you. Our education system screws over POC kids, so they get robbed of the early STEM courses that many students credit with influencing their decision to go into STEM in college. In turn, because these kids never got the degree due to the systematic

I get the argument that Twitter and Google put their prospective employees through very difficult testing. But there is the flip-side that said very difficult testing could very possibly be culturally specific. White people used to do better than other races on IQ tests not because they were smarter, but because the

I’d be curious how many white women over 50 Twitter employs? How many Zoroastrians? What is the percentage of the dwarfs relative to average height persons? Is there any demographics that can’t be dissected, and results shown in negative light? Is there a minimum census required to be “diverse”? No, really...why pick

If Twitter has knowingly discouraged black women from applying or unfairly rejected qualified black women, management is indeed racist. However, I wonder if the culprit is our educational system, not these particular companies.

25% of tech is Asian. Asians, including South Asians, are over represented in tech, so boiling it down to simple racism is an oversimplification. Do you think Google and Twitter are rejecting hundreds of black candidates who pass their very, very difficult tests? If so, they need to change. However, if they aren’t,