
I try to buy from a retail store as often as I can, but I wouldn't be surprised if I've done this on at least one occasion.

Step 1: Leave kid with grandparents.

But it wouldn't have apps either. Burn! [And I'm a happy Windows Phone user.]

I have no problem with this show except that it's SO FUCKING BORING. I think Learn To Read would entertain the kids more and get better results.

As a guy with no coding experience I wanna give these a shot and pass it down to my kid when the time comes.

Perhaps I'm talking about the club mentioned in this article?

Ugh. I hate America.

I disagree with Tokyo Drift being the worst one. It was the least bad of all the Fast & Furious movies. It's the only one I've watched more than once from beginning to end. Also, my brother and I remember quotes from that movie and use them in daily conversation ("Good luck, Timberlake!"). It's easily the most


He knows it's better to Doolittle than do too much too soon.

How could no one have said Steel?

This is hilarious because usually Asian people (at least those I met through the NYC public school system) pronounce "Stephen" as "Steffen" rather than like "Steven".

Easy. Utah Mormons. Their logo could be a happy guy dressed in a white shirt and black tie handing out a basketball.

This was my problem at first too, and ended up not using them at all.

But what if you want to work in a cube farm because most of your experience is in a cube farm, and you need the stability and health insurance for your 20 month old kid?

No reference to checking his stocks first thing every morning. Dudebro I'm disappoint.

I'm Mexican-American but I think an MLS CCL champ would be awesome. Ditto for an all MLS final.

OMG I want to be Blam. Sorry that's all I got.

I'm not a fan of the Nets identity. The black and white just looks lazy as does the font they use. I don't consider myself an Islanders fan but I think it'll be awful if they take on the same color scheme. It would be cool if the Nets went back to blue, white & red, and the Islanders kept their colors.. it'd be the

I too like the way the side scrolling works when, viewing on a desktop. I'm not that much of a fan of the mobile site but that's probably due to my old Windows Phone 7 phone.