
I've been telling myself to check out Quicksilver since 2004 but never got around to it

I've been telling myself to check out Quicksilver since 2004 but never got around to it

I've been telling myself to check out Quicksilver since 2004 but never got around to it

I've been telling myself to check out Quicksilver since 2004 but never got around to it

I've been telling myself to check out Quicksilver since 2004 but never got around to it

Does anyone use Launchpad on Mac OS X Mountain Lion/Lion? How do you use it efficiently, if at all?

Does anyone use Launchpad on Mac OS X Mountain Lion/Lion? How do you use it efficiently, if at all?

Does anyone use Launchpad on Mac OS X Mountain Lion/Lion? How do you use it efficiently, if at all?

I'm really disappointed in Dan. Everybody knows Bikram is for posers.

As a guy who was into yoga for many years, thank you for that. Can't stand that guy, and can't stand hearing (condescendingly) "oh I do Bikram yoga"

I agree with everyone else that things seem to point to it being a heat issue. But just wanted to chime in with a slightly different experience if it may be useful:

I've stepped away from Android for a month but my favorites were: Solid Explorer, pretty much all the Google apps, Dolphin Browser, Battery Widget? Reborn!, and that's all I remember.

Hope I'm not too late to get helped. I'm using a Windows Phone 7 phone and I am not using a data plan (on T-Mobile USA). Is there anyway to receive MMS messages without turning data on in Windows Phone 7 settings? I used to be able to get MMS messages even though I had data off on my Android so I'm just curious how it

While I wouldn't say I was pissed, it was quite inconvenient for me, since I used Notebook all the time. (That Firefox extension was cool)


I don't see what was so bad about it. Maybe it was a little boring that the climax was fighting Lex Luthor while on an island made of kryptonite. Still I didn't think it was "bad" so much as "not great".

As far as tablets are concerned there only seems to be a market for iPads and a market for $200 tablets.

Does anyone know of any good resources for rooting an Android phone for beginners? I'm looking for a guide for the HTC Sensation (T-Mobile USA) in particular. Im looking to install CM9 or 10 on it. While I'm usually pretty good at techie things and following instructions. I'm just totally lost here. I've only ever

I think Alicia Keys is really talented but haven't liked anything since her 2nd album. Also, I guess they had to do Empire State of Mind.

Thank you!