
you are confused. there are no great quotes from the big bang theory.

I can't be the only one shocked that it's not on Windows Phones. Right? We are talking about Microsoft. Right? I'm amazed my Focus isn't tracking me with Carrier IQ.

Didn't see it originally as a snark, but now I do. It is what it is.

So you're favorite part is what the Bing app has been doing for a long time. At least a mention that Bing already does this would be nice. No way you would let Bing get away with it.

Followed the Christopher Breen method. I had turned off everything but iCloud and battery drained 70% overnight while the 4S sat in a car.

You must really hate the iPhone 4S. Considered the best phone with only 512MB RAM and no SD card slot. And a glass back. Seriously a glass back.

my review of going from a 4 to a 4S...

While they may have good things to watch, I have yet to find any acceptable amount of organization. How about a queue? Or a save button to watch later? It is terrible to search through it all. Until then, I'm out.

NextGen Reader. Never cared for Wonder Reader.

where's all the clapping and standing ovations. doesn't the crowd know they're at a apple event?

So changing a background image equals more customization? I've been using the same boring grid of tiles with a swipe motion for 4 years on the iPhone. At least Android uses a background that will move with the different homescreens.

only problem is their flight search in not reliable. it returns zero flights from bakersfield to dallas, however every other flight site can gives results.

A little like Microsoft is putting in WP7 Mango update. Not exactly a tablet, but similar.

Using your "pedestrian" specs, the iPhone 4 isn't much better. 3.5" screen. 1GHz processor, 5-megapixel camera. But we all know it's not pedestrian.

now with 480p. thanks nintendo!

or just go to for every pair of glasses you buy, they give a pair to those in need. and it's only $95 per pair. way cheaper than your optometrist office.

@Vogie: you can set it to manually input your run. i haven't tried this option or tried it on an ipod touch, but i know you don't have to have gps enabled.

now if I could only get my GPS to work on my captivate.

@gpdaddy: Every Zune music I buy is MP3. and the Zune line is not discontinued. Go buy a Zune HD or use the Zune software or use the Zune through the Xbox 360.I'm confused by that statement. The Zune pass stuff is wma protected files, but once you purchase it, you download the mp3 version.

where's launchy? can't live without it. i'm not about to put 30 icons on my desktop like most people. i shudder to even think about that.