
There’s a lot to be said about this pair of speakers. While it may not blow other speakers away, it’s simple and works well for TV. It’s not mentioned, but how much better do these look than half of the other sound bars? The Vizio may be better, but I would go crazy looking at all the silver sides and bad design they

I have an older 24" IPS from Dell. Costco is selling a 32" Dell IPS monitor that is $200. Is the 4k version necessary for just photography. I’m not doing any video editing.

I have an older 24" IPS from Dell. Costco is selling a 32" Dell IPS monitor that is $200. Is the 4k version

There’s no easy way around it. You HAVE to prioritize your spouse over your kids at some point. Leave your house dirty and keep your outside priorities to a minimum. I find too often we choose to place priorities in the wrong things at the sacrifice of our spouse.

My guess is texts. My wife can't update her iPhone because of 8GB of "other". I've narrowed it down to texts.

Nice troll title. The price has nothing to do with a MacBook Air. But hey, it's Microsoft, so you have to say how awesome Apple is no matter what.

Can we all admit that a 7.85" tablet is not mini?

Amazon. Apple is way too restrictive. Even if you don't think you need it now, at some point you'll be locked out of things you bought because Apple never really believes you own it.

May be a big iPhone, but nowadays, it's a medium size screen at best.

1 Roku and 1 Boxee Box. Tried the aTV and sold it. Way too closed of a system, even after jailbreaking it. Never really worked right.

You must have an Android device. Most WP7 apps have a free trial version. Play a few levels of a game or get a reduced function of an app without having to buy it first. Then decide if it's worth your money.

Agreed, but since upgrading to a SSD and reinstalling W7, I can't get Boxee to reconnect to the main pc. So I'm willing to move it all the a dedicated place if it works. At least I can't move an external drive and plug it into Boxee. Not a great permanent solution, but a decent temporary one.

This too is exactly what I'm looking for. I have never gotten SMB shares to work with my Windows7 home pc.

"Apple's maps look wonderful, but... right now they're completely devoid of useful information."

Until Chrome upgrades their handling of bookmarks, I'm out. I've tried Chrome three separate times and always end up going back to FireFox.

So what about the people who don't have Messages Beta installed and still have the lag? The 4S (or iOS 5) seems to have annoying little issues quite often.

You can end a sentence with a question mark and an exclamation point. It's called an interrobang.

Yes. Use different photos.

What is your cut-off date for books you can believe in? Makes you wonder what people will believe in 1000 years. Will Einstein be considered to be a mystical fairy tale? Socrates full of crap? Interesting topic on its own.


Like everything, no OS is complete. And some do certain things better than others.