so not only does this guy have a crappy memory, he has a crappy cellphone. those damn nokia's blow. i can't wait to get rid of their crappy flip phone.
so not only does this guy have a crappy memory, he has a crappy cellphone. those damn nokia's blow. i can't wait to get rid of their crappy flip phone.
damn that's funny. it never gets old.
for the accelerator, draw a bunch of lines close together. the guy will fall off though, but his body will take off.
why is there a post for clicking a button right in front of us. it was the second or third click i did?
i've been wasting my lunch hour on this for the past week. best youtube video i've seen is this one:
just don't do it. aol has screwed more times than i can count. i don't care if they cured cancer, i ain't buying this.
@No, no, no
and not to mention you get all of that within the same sight. i don't have to go to 3-4 different sites to get all of that.
smug -adjective, smug‧ger, smug‧gest.
i hope phoenix is joking. why not buy a movie for $15. then you can do whatever you want with it. i might be interested if the movies were $5. but i'm sure they'll get a ton of suckers with huge disposable incomes who don't care they're getting ripped off. after all, it's apple and they're cool. and everyone else is…
thanks Adam. i do believe i saw it on Gizmodo a day earlier. You 're all starting to look alike to me.
can you be sure to update me 5 more times before 10am.
is this deja vu? how is this different than the post you had yesterday? apparently, you really hate t-mobile. and apparently you have deleted the post you had the other day. is this really that important of a topic?
Or you could press enter instead of clicking in the white space. Also, don't forget to type the file extension.
and Sirius' hardware is terrible. how big can their units be? they're the size of a brick!
now if i can only get program or extension that will stop [] from having that stupid video player start automatically. God that thing is annoying.