
Handmaids Tale 2: 2 Hand 2 Maiden

Hookstraten: Basically, from a political perspective, he couldn't make her VP, given the scandal, deal, etc. But, he valued her advice and contribution, and we need a reason to keep her (and Aaron) on the show. So, he nominated her as his Secretary of Education.

Somehow, the notion of the princes playing light saber as kids (then getting to do it IN REAL LIFE) pleases me so.

This is going to be hard for this series. The first half was definitely a thriller, and dealt with a country on edge. The show proved interesting, with the politics stuff relevant to such an attack, and kept it interesting.

Like the reviewer, I liked Kirkman's nightmare. It made me wonder if Reagan had any psychological impacts after his assassination attempt, and how that was dealt with.

Hall and Oates aren't awesome in spite of the mullet and pornstache.

Please note that they moved it to the nonfiction section of your local bookstore.

Does it tell the story any better than :"Boom, Like That?"

They do! In fact, they have some from my hometown. Still, not quite the same as smoked boudin from Hackett's Cajun Kitchen.

Grew up is Louisiana, but have lived in Cincinnati for 21 years. Go Etta is what they eat because there is no good boudin in this town.

Even red panda rage is adorable.

Is Hookstraten in the House or the Senate? She's a player in the confirmation hearings (a function of the Senate), but described as the new Speaker.

"Space Race" was a mess.

Came to say this. You beat me to it.

Did he just tank Frank Ocean's chances?

It's mildly disappointing: my pet theory is that Poe is a clone, now that the First Order has taken to kidnapping infants.

One of my favorite movies (in a third tier, fun-to-what-on-basic-cable sort of way) was "Heartbreak Ridge." It was a kinda-fun-to-watch spin on the invasion of Grenada.

Peter Quincy Taggart. 'nuff said.

All due respect to Lovitz, I really likes Jason Sudeikis's take.

I'm also disappointed by the whole Raj/Emily arc. The love triangle might sound good on paper (Raj goes from mute to ladies man), execution is flawed. It's especially frustrating in that, early in the Emily story, they set something up interesting. One episode suggested friction between her and Penny, ending with each