
It’s going to blow her mind when she learns that non-Hispanic people can speak Spanish and language proficiency is not solely based on race/national origin.

According to her lawyers, Rosner felt that another instructor could assume responsibilities over the Spanish-teaching portion of the class, while she would focus on reading and writing.

Ohhh fascinating! Not really... Plenty of people change their political views. Its called “evolving”.

Hillary was a staunch Democrat by her sophomore year of college, organizing civil rights and anti-war protests.

She changed her mind as a teenager. FFS.

And Reagan was an FDR Democrat.

I want a wonk for Prez. I think they’re the best at it.

So we stopped electing men because Richard Nixon Was a horrible monster? He’d actually be a reasonable, moderate choice in the last crop of GOP nominees. Sure, Maggie was awful, but how does this translate to Hillary’s nom in 2016?

57, and holy shit this makes me so fucking happy. As the post states, there simply is no perfect candidate and she beats the hell out of almost all the other options we’ve had.

In no way empty symbolism. So many of the issues written about on this blog would not be a problem if only women were regarded as actual valued members of half of the human race.

My mom said she saw what she thought she would never see in her lifetime. A black POTUS and now the 1st woman presidential nominee for the democratic party.

So excited to see that our new matriarch is punching boners in the greys already! YASSS KWEEEN SLAY THEIR ERECTIONSSSS

Now she just has to defeat the worst misogynist I’ve seen in my lifetime. No pressure. And somehow do it without playing “the woman card,” whatever that is.

Omg guys, this roll call! So much love! As a resident of ohio, i teared up when Obergefell spoke on behalf of the OH delegation.

I’m 66 years old. I became a feminist when I was 5, and my older sister was told she could “join” a model airplane club my father belonged to. She could pay dues, but not attend meetings or meet because she was a girl.(My father promptly “unjoined” that club!) I’ve been waiting 61 years for today.

Y’all, I am in tears over here. This moment is beautiful. My sister, my tiny new baby niece - they are living in a time when they could conceivably be president.

I’m with her.

Honestly, having seen the way you guys respond with calmness/snark to people attacking you for things you write at Jezebel, the fact that Smith took to Twitter claiming that ou was being “intimidated” by that email is just frankly depressing.