Several anti-vax organizations have been pooling their collective intellectual powers
Several anti-vax organizations have been pooling their collective intellectual powers
I totally understand...and if i have to defend myself as a woman voting for a woman to another goddamned person...I swear to god.
I saw this earlier, and oh my god, this is exactly what I was living. I was supporting her in places where i had some anonymity but wouldn’t talk about it unless asked...because everything is fucking terrible.
Stupid auto-correct. That was supposed to be Goddess America, as in America Ferrera is a goddess.
So I don’t know where else to share this, but this tweet, from the liberal filmmaker daughter of the Constitution Party candidate, may be one of the saddest things I’ve ever read, and also explains a lot about why the relative volume of Sanders’s supporters didn’t match up with the votes in the end.
Dear Mr. President, Thank you. I am going to miss you terribly. You done good sir. You handled the hate with immeasurable strength and dignity.
Twitter has really improved this election.
I have a hard time believing Clinton will run a campaing that could malign half the population and doesn’t count for shit. It is very un-Clinton-like. I’m guessing there is some context missing. She’s the first woman to be a major party candidate, it’s impossible not to notice or comment on that. Bit when you’ve been…
And I can only imagine the side-eye I would give if someone tried to pin their entire case for Hillary on, “you’re a woman, you have to vote for her!” I have more than three brain cells, that is not a valid argument!
Google. This has been explained.
Older voters want substance, younger voters want style. Older voters understand legislation and the judiciary. The Dem machine has been active in worlds that mean something to them.
Except women of color support Hillary. Why is everyone forgetting that? Why is everyone forgetting that we not all live in Brooklyn and the blacks and Chicanos from the south are overwhelmingly for Hillary? Why am I shouting into a void????
Chrissy Teigen, yes. Keep being amazing.
Did you guys watch her speech last night? It was pretty damn good. And she’s really finding the right tone for this election. She seems like your cold as steel Aunt Hillary who, somewhere deep down, has a heart of gold. You’d trust her with the nuclear codes. And you gotta know she cares about your reproductive…
That Politico article that dropped about his campaign last night is... illuminating, to say the least.
I supported Bernie too, but yeah, seeing her speech I couldn’t help but feel emotional, this is a huge, sorry, yuuuge moment for America.
You seriously think Hillary has done nothing to help women? Do you live under a rock?
if you actually looked it up, you’d know she worked on the committee to impeach Nixon, not for Nixon, genius.
I voted for Hilary because I believe she’s the better choice. I respect a lot of Bernie Sanders positions and would vote for him if he won, but I believe a lot of what he talks about is unachievable. And I disagree with some of his positions.
Her speech, with its references to Seneca Falls and all the history that came before, was in perfect tune.
I’m waiting for someone else to say Yay, Hillary! so that they can shoulder the brunt of the anger and conspiracy theories.