Grant Allen

Set in Los Angeles, the series follows a divorced male teacher and a female guidance counselor who is unable to counsel her two children even when their lives depend on it–a junkie and a daughter that is incapable of following the simplest directions–in the opening stages of the zombie apocalypse as they come to terms

i agree.
- it's ironic that she seems to guide tobias quite well, but her own family not at all.
- they're especially dumb when they're not told vital information.
- maybe not, but when you pass up free canned goods because you're too busy scoring oxy for your junkie son apocalypse eve, you might want to reconsider your

- she's a guidance counselor who doesn't counsel her own kids when their lives depend on it.
- has a teenage daughter that is incapable of following the simplest directions because she's not even aware that her life's in danger (see above).
- her son is such a junkie that withdrawal without the help of oxy "might kill