
I have an interesting thought — fan theory #237: what if Dany is the Big Bad?

Or Jon.

Yes, Beric as counterpoint. And they set that up how many seasons ago? Doesn't seem to be going against the show's internal logic at all. Seems more like it was always a part of the long game to me. What would really make me feel like the writers were coming up with plot contrivances willy nilly is if they went

Of course, there was probably an alternative way to resolve the Night's Watch arc without resorting to a cheap death, so I don't like that either. You hit the nail on the head with the "change" angle. Whether the death and resurrection feels cheap or not will hinge on the extent of that change, as the whole "release

I'd like to believe (for the sake of the show) that it wasn't a mere "correction" and that there's some organic endgame that had the broad strokes of Jon's part to play in it already outlined, and that his death and rebirth were always part of the initial conception, and the death-as-an-out was built-in from the get

Everything Ruck laid out, and most of what Unspeakable said. On top of that, I'd like to add…do we really even WANT a full subversion of the trope? We've already had six seasons of anti-fantasy, six seasons of grounded intrigue and subversion of tropes. The tone of this world having been established, it's the

Well, this is a turbulent time in the land. Of a historical scale, even in this world. These are days which will be sung of in songs and legends for eons to come. Which is why the show takes place when it does. As opposed to the years between the overthrow of the Targaryens and the death of Jon Arryn, which would have

Will No One be No One or will she always be Arya Stark of Winterfell?

Naw. Don't need the overlap with Arya's arc. I'd say she continued down the Littlefinger school of schemehatchery. Words and whispers will be the tools of her trade.

What telegraphed it for me was…you know, when they killed Jon Snow. Wasn't buyin it.

Yea, I read the first couple books like a decade ago, sue me. Melisandre's mentioned the idea, if not the name itself, in passing, on the show, I'm sure. In any case, point is, it's clear that Melisandre believed Stannis to be the chosen one of some kind, and all I'm saying is I believe that person to be Jon Snow, not

You lost me at daiquri. What's that, like a question you're only allowed to ask when the sun is out?

Melisandre mistook her visions in the flames to mean that Stannis is the chosen one - when it always had in fact meant for her to be placed at the exact location she needed to be in order to save Jon, who is in fact the true Azor Ahai reborn, wielder of Lightbringer. And it won't be no Thoros of Myr gimmickry either -