Mister Green

Looking at idroid it seems more for iphones than ipads. Another alternative might be to use iSSH and maybe run a server (hosted or your own). My knowledge on this is limited but figure it would be possible. Maybe Mr Henry or the legend that is Thorin could write a how to on it.

Was very tempted to buy a Nexus ended up with a second hand ipad mini off eBay. I think it would be possible under a virtual machine. Quite happy with my pad just getting used to it. Miss the idea of having a terminal ;-)

Install Android on an ipad now that would be cool....

Not a big fan of typing on a screen so a keyboard will be a bonus. First need to find a really cool cover, leather if possible. With so many keyboards out there any preferences?

Just got myself an ipad mini, at last free from lugging a heavy laptop around. Any tips for a would be hipster on the move?

Very good choice in music ;-)

Mr Henry can we have 'the best gifts you can possibly get someone for the holidays'? some of us still want to have friends after.....

Goofbid I think

While I know a little Python and Ruby for day to day stuff under Linux I simply learnt bash.

tl;dr I know the ready made set ups you have shown in the past look less likely to leak. Not sure how they stack up performance wise. Think they were Corsair hydro series...

Did this happen with a kit or one of the ready made set ups?

I would like to be able to upgrade my samsung s3 operating system rather than running beta apps....

Bit off topic but I am going to try to build a minecraft server (local network for now). It is a new model B with 512mb just not sure if it will be powerful enough ;)

Using Linux is easy. You do not have to switch to it, you can dual boot, run it live or in a virtual machine. Been running Archlinuxc for nearly ten years now certainly do not want to go back to Windows.

Again id shank is exposed then I use a grip wrench, if all else fails I will drill it out then fill...

If the head of screw is showing simply cut a slot in it either with a hacksaw or dremmel... Sometimes tightening the screw actually helps (in the case of old screws)

Does not work with my Galaxy S3 ;-(

No science required, just be yourself.

Even low end basic computers could be built on a budget. Many computer parts sites have bargain basements. Cases do not have to be new. Anything above that level build build build.....