
MSRP’s are so high there is no chance domestic trucks sell at full price - they all do this. 

The problem is AWD is designed around snow - and at least out west, snow means your at altitude - and as discussed in the article, Altitude seriously affects the output of Naturally Aspirated engines. My Pathfinder has 270hp in a NA V6, and honestly...its “adequate” above 7000 feet. Where it is regularly.

I think a lot of people are mixing “MSRP” with “what trucks actually sell for”

The typical domestic truck starts at about $5k OFF MSRP, and $10k is not that uncommon, bringing those ridiculous MSRP’s down to “somewhat” reasonable levels - they are still awful expensive.

Jeeps seems to basically sell at full price (a

Check the airbags. Likely need to be recalled.

“Most”? I dont think so, “some”? certainly.

This - they made a HUGE mistake with re-doing the naming scheme. Almost everyone remembers that one buddy with the Infiniti G35 coupe, which was like 350Z but cooler, but now its ah......wait what? Oh yeah Q....6...0?
I was a huge nissan nerd in the mid 2000's, and I still can’t keep them straight.

That in conjunction

AFAIK These don’t having rusting issues? Certainly nothing like the big 3 or Toyota

I searched and searched and searched for a V8 - but there simply weren’t any good ones on this side of the country. So just bought a 2010 Pathfinder LE....V6.

No the Versa (hatch and sedan) is entirely different car. Smaller - the Sentra has grown.

I wonder how much speed you lose with those slow shifts when towing 10k+ lbs up hill?
I’m all about fun to drive, but for work, it doesn’t make a ton of sense. Especially accounting for the massive torque loss. If Chevrolet made a C8 corvette with a manual, but cut off 150lbfts of torque do you think anyone would buy

Hopefully this means they will release all their further EVs with AWD. I’d happily get a leaf, but won't do FWD in a snow state.

Ever heard of the side impact crash standard? Trust me, the manufacturers aren’t putting more steel into the car out of the generosity of their hearts...

Its the same as sports car - it doesn’t really matter. The auto is better then the manual in every way - both on road and off.

This, so much this.

Yeah its interesting. Sometimes you need an expensive vehicle, too, which is unfortunate, because there just isn’t an alternative.

Rolling coal is an increase in fuel to create more power. Nobody would do it if it didn’t actually have a benefit to the driver. Just like gutting cats. 

Have you considered therapy?

and yet - people get so much crap from driving around a HD truck for a load they only carry several times a year, so which is it?

Yeah, most SUV’s can’t even tow 5000lbs anymore, alas. and you have to have space to park the trailer...

Yep, lots of people here don’t actually tow. For those of us that do - its only good news.