
I am not getting my hopes up here. I've been down this road.

Right, but how does he know she is not there? He isn't allowed to leave the room.

Totally forgot about that guy. Good call.

I don't know about that. I could easily reason in his situation that my mother knowing that Trial by Combat isn't an option, would keep me away to deal with that situation alone. She would die to protect him.

I definitely got a Lannister "its us against them" vibe from that scene on the wall. It is being shot that way but I do not see why that needs to happen.

I just realized that Tommen probably thought that Cersei died. How could he be aware that she wasn't there, let alone that it was her doing.

Oh fuck, I really hope its not Jon vs. Littlefinger. That just sounds boring. We know Jon won't die again and Littlefinger is not the fighting type, its going to be a wild good chase. Jon coming after him or being sent out on a fools errand while Littlefinger stares creepily at Sansa from afar.

It was bittersweet. The fact that they used children was disconcerting. What are they going to use them for next?

So Sansa is upset when no one considers her opinion for the battle, but everyone assumes Jon is the next king and she just takes it?

Why does every review I read imply or outright say that this story is from WoW? They do know that the RTS games prior were massively successful and that the story comes from them?

As you wish!

I had hoped that this film would be great, I am please to hear that in some far away fantasy land, it has achieved that goal

I like this answer in theory, but if this is to be the case and point of that scene then there will need to be answers to the atrocity from higher ups in the BwB. I hope Clegane is able to bring that much about.

Was I the only one who thought the actions of the Brotherhood Without Banners seemed out of place? They haven't been seen in ages and were pretty uppity and righteous when we did have them around. What would drive them to murder all those people other than a contrived plot to motivate Sandor Clegane?

For all the things that people have claimed they would stop watching the show over, Margaery actually falling in line with The Seven would be the reason I stop watching.

Though the formula is overtly familiar, it has not tired.

I've been doing alot of The Division but I am not so sure that it's a good idea at this point. Which means it's time to add more games to my backlog. I'm thinking DS3 is ready to sit in my game library for a couple of months.

I… Don't totally disagree with you… I had no idea.

Well would you look at that, I like these Satanist fellows. Where do I sign up?

I can't help but wonder, where is there to go from here. How much more of him mowing down the baddies can we get before it's redundant and stale? I feel that The Punisher always was at his best as an anti hero in another protagonist's story. On his own I am not sold that he can keep up an interesting story.