
I find the UI particularly smooth, great looking and easy to use. There are still some quircks issues like how it picks every email address I've ever sent an email to and suggests I add it as a friend. but I think it has potential. uploading a picture from your phone is ridiculously easy. The time investment is

Also, he was returning from a funeral for another very prominent analog scientist.

Now playing

This is the way a real man changes a tire.

I cut a notch into a .50 cal bullet to make a really awesome bottle opener for the boat.

"exposing emails and private information from normal people or sinking ships that are neutral in this battle will not help towards that cause." I have a feeling, maybe based on the history of lulz that this is exactly what will happen. And don't be naive please, you might be able to bring down a fat cat, but who do

probably it, or another one owned by the same royal family, since they all get the same color.

you mean E63 right?

HA! the update confirms exactly what I was saying.....

Anyone can steal a Mercedes if the keys are in it. They pick the easiest target they can find. There are millions of sites vulnerable to the same sql injections, and no site is immune to a DDOS attack if it's large enough. They pick the high level targets because they want publicity. No one would give a shit if they

Have you updated flash lately? flash is bundled with chrome, and has had 2 0 day vulnerabilities patched in the last week or so.

redirecting phone lines a and ddos attacks....impressive. Are they gonna start using capt'n crunch whistles next?

I'm very reluctant to sign up for any online services provided by sony. The debacle of the PSN shows their complete disdain for customer data security. I will assume that this was something that was going on company wide. I have no confidence about this sony could keeping my data safe.

So is anyone going to tell me how the hell they got the car in there?

I just do not understand why you can't take the honda civic CTDi and improve on that. seems to be a lot more feasible and practical than a two person go cart running on battery...

So the trick to drifting a Veyron is not to drift it.... Ok I get it now.


I've experienced that myself, except I was in the US and constantly being redirected to the Philippines version of google.

That guy is now on the front page of CNN. Is a dumb thief that stole something that should be easily replaceable, and insured, worth that much attention?

very appropriate. LuLz could have made a statement just as powerful without endangering the identity of a million users. That's a complete dick move. I'm probably on that list, I didn't have any real info in my profile though.