
Probable cause? because some asshole happened to be driving on the same street as you? that seems a bit far fetched.

AH That's what it is, I was wondering if this was recorded by a time traveling guy from the early 90's

"Dick Tracy crashed his car at 119mph?" was my first thought

NP perfect vehicle for burners.

I think we've been over this before, don't let a 19 year old drive a supercar. Just don't!

Random fact: In Wisconsin I was offered the right to refuse the license plate I was given because it contained 666. It's the only time you can ask for a different issued license plate. Since it was my first car I did ask for another plate.

1. break aveo driver side window.

Perfect timing, I was hust wondering what I was going to do with that $2million sitting in my checking account.

DINGDINGDING you got the tri facta! Florida, grandma and Camry!

thank you sir.


Wifi and Bluetooth were created by committee, and one could argue that they are world altering.

in an average WEEK he drives 3600 miles. in 3 WEEKS he drives 3600x3 = 10800 miles.

I have definitely seen this video before. Not sure where though.

I think him running for president would be great. For once you would have someone running the country that already has the fame and fortune running the country, that would probably limit the amount of corruption. Also he owns a McLaren F1 so watch what you say about the guy.

knobs and switches are reserved for the ultra rich that can afford a Pagani Zonda and other ultra cars.

So while Legislators are wasting taxpayers money on a bill that only benefits big large corporations and tramples our 1st amendment right, some smart guy in Cambridge makes it all irrelevant in a few hours of work. Internet wins again. Congress: Please get shit done about the economy, here's a hint: SOPA is not that.

2Bbuckys is always better than one!

This looks like Sandusky Ohio...