
I don’t doubt you, but you’re describing a crazy world I don’t understand. I live in an exurban area and have Google Maps pulled up. I’ve got one Dominos and 17 (at least) other pizza places in less than a 10 mile radius! Hell, I wish we had less red checkered table cloth pizza/Italian joints and more variety.

It’s 2023. You don’t have a burner email for things like this?

According to FSR, Bartaco and other restaurants like it use bowls to elevate the menu and bring in more revenue—both Bartaco and chain True Food Kitchen report that around 20% of their revenue now comes from bowls. Part of the success rate is attributed to the ease of customization. The ability to create a dish that

From experience, they do get musty smelling on foam like this.

I agree with butter, and Kerrygold is fine but a cultured butter such as Vermont Creamery (or a good European cultured butter) is even better.

Although Italians aren’t particularly fond of the Irish

Oh how I loathe marketing people

I did a quick scan to make sure I’m not an asshole for getting super thin prosciutto

Maltodextrin is a way to turn oils into powder. Great application here. Thinking Szechuan chili oil Doritos!

Bought a bottle of Hunts and agree with your assessment. They must have changed the recipe in the last 20 years or so because I remember it being sweet compared to Heinz. 

Goddamn red squirrel broke into my shed and filled it with black walnuts.

a good quality pair of sunglasses is also eligible

Until your kid doesn’t remove the filter before sucking up liquids and waterboards your vacuum to death.

Older people or kids

White Cheddar is pretty damn good

So close. Partial credit Cheez-It being the best, but you failed to correctly name Extra Toasty

I think the theme idea is really lame and bad for the game. I was seriously disappointed when it was FEAST. It reminded me of the cheesy holiday crosswords that I used to get in middle school.

All of those articles around various holidays are suspect where “favorite xxx in every state” are listed. Candy corns are nobody’s favorite. Just because you search it, doesn’t mean you want it, e.g. any kind of prolapse.

I avoid Hunts for the same reason. I remember it being too sweet as well as on the thin side. I’ll taste it again, but there must be something to the perceived sweetness beyond just grams of sugar.

mrsgoodbeer messes up online measurements all the time