Mr. Glitch

A demented substitute whose brother murdered a dog.

I tried recreating Spy Hunter with my first car. All it got me was arrested.

In its short life, Imagic managed to crank out some of the best games for the 2600 and Intellivision, and some of the most impressive box artwork, too:

Hiya! I've been off & on. Much more off than on since they scaled back the Gameological content, though.

Ooooh, I have! Shameless self-promotion time:

Jerk had it coming.

Holy crap, that's awesome! Congrats man! I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, for I am a putz who sucks with names.

I'd like to throw in for the new Mario Tennis game on Wii U. It's flawed for all the reasons the critics list, and it often plays more like Simon than actual tennis. Buuuut it really comes alive in two-player mode. You don't even have to share a screen; one person can view the entire court with the tablet and the

I got that game on a Neo Geo multicart. (They call it Money Puzzle Exchanger there.) It's surprisingly addictive, but man does it get brutal after a few levels!

Nice to see Pulstar on that list. That game does not get enough love these days.

This is a really good time to get into last-gen console gaming: The hardware is dirt-cheap, (I've seen stacks of X360s selling for 20-30 bucks apiece at thrifts.) and so are the games. There are tons available too, and since all of the franchises have wrapped up, there's no waiting for sequels to see how a story ends.

It's been gathering dust in my Steam library ever since I first downloaded it. I really need to fire that sucker up.

Hey neat, I didn't know anybody from the Gameological staff was on board with the Domovoi game. It is a shame that didn't pan out.

Shut up, Iris.

Hey there fellow Gameologicians. I'm hoping to fire the ol' blog back up again. I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record here, but a flood took out my basement last Spring, and it's taken a while to everything wringed out. I'm hoping to finish up an article about using RGB connections in old consoles, which

So I just uploaded my first level, called (appropriately enough) Baby's First Mario Level. A8BF-0000-002A-EA25

Yessir, I am a real hu-man!

Now I got two games to buy. :)

Might a certain Joystick Master be making a long-overdue appearance?

My NNID's micronotz. I don't have Mario Maker yet, but I'm happy to add everybody anyway. Smash Bros or Mario Kart perhaps?