Can’t wait to see Arsenal sponsored by “Left for Dead”.
Can’t wait to see Arsenal sponsored by “Left for Dead”.
I guess there’s just a vas deferens in our levels of humor.
Bit of a leap of logic there bud.
0:16-0:20 is funny as fuck in any language.
I see this happen from time to time in competitive Rocket League. Unless it’s a really important match, if a player drops out the opposing team usually plays more chivalrously while waiting for the player to jump back in.
Are you seriously a Mario Kart snob? Believe me when I tell you this, dude, the world has more pity for you than you have for casuals.
For some good examples of this kind of stuff, there is a guy on YT who has torn apart Paper Mario looking for glitches. He has a ton of videos about how that title handles getting to places early and how that works with triggers, and also how things like skipping a chapter and then going back and retriggering it…
Pictures or it didn’t happen
This is such a nerdy article, going into such ridiculous levels of detail. I absolutely love it. More like this, please :)
“I was torn between the irrational fear that someone else would stumble on and publish my 40 year old discovery…
I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way…
Just got home. Here’s three pics at the link of what was inside mine -
high-school aged Korean kids...
That’s awesome, Gita. You’ve got some really cool horses there! I really, really love getting lost in Hyrule, and how the game lets me spend as much time as I want on whatever I set my mind on doing.
i miss mine, i had gotten just over 9.6 mil (i walk a lot at work, 20-25k steps a day). i was excited that i was almost maxed when i was going out i was looking for it. turns out it was in one of my pants the washing machine :(
I’m starring your rant anyway, first because it was well written, and secondly because I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see how this was going to end up connecting to the topic of a Switch with triangles drilled into it.
It really bothers me that the triforce isn’t even centered.
It’s been out for PS4 and it’s a cross-buy game too.