
Its the little known Hayes glory hole.

But I thought the military was “defending our freedoms” so there shouldn’t be any foreign governments coming in right? And let’s be real the odds of another country invading our shores is 0, sure maybe in the late 1700s when we didn’t have all sorts of tech that let us know people are coming that was a possibility but

Side load Block This @ Ive been using it for years and it blocks everything. Some times it blocks FB comment sections so you have to stop it but that’s the only issue I’ve come across.

And kid who did the shooting participated in that so he knew exactly where everyone would be.

Wow a whole 50K for the special Olympics. Stop the presses.

They already do have representation in the government. People like Bachman and Copeland are on Trump’s Evangelical advisory board.

Oh heavens no, someone dared to indulge in their carnal instincts and your magic sky daddy is mad aboot it.

Eat a dick you fuck. You don’t know their relationship so shut your mouth about it. Worry aboot your own god damn life.

I find this story very hard to believe.

I feel like the solution to this is exceptionally easy. Take a look at which country has the best healthcare, France, and copy that. Fix any minor errors as necessary.

Did that happen in Atlanta?

Having just gotten married in May my wife and I are at the same point. We definitely want to have kids but looking at the world in general it’s a tough choice to bring kids into this shithole. Why would I want to endanger my kids to nuclear war or any other innumerable problems?

Well it’s hard not function when your budget is literally $0. What a fucking joke.

Hopefully they change this rule in the off-season. That’s just a nonsense rule.

Fucking thu... youthful white hijinks.

That’s where they host the Redbull cart races, had a great time there a year-ish ago.

I see no mention of Vortex burger.

The most impressive thing is that they’re still isn’t a SSB.

