It would have been so much better if ICarly ended if Carly woke up from a coma and Drake and Josh were there and called her Megan and all of this never happened.
It would have been so much better if ICarly ended if Carly woke up from a coma and Drake and Josh were there and called her Megan and all of this never happened.
It would have been so much better if ICarly ended if Carly woke up from a coma and Drake and Josh were there and called her Megan and all of this never happened.
Honestly I think the episodes of Family Guy have been way better this year then last year. The jokes are starting to become better but definitely the highlight of last night's episode was Adam West.
Honestly I think the episodes of Family Guy have been way better this year then last year. The jokes are starting to become better but definitely the highlight of last night's episode was Adam West.
Phillip did not deserve to win. Phillip should have gotten out a while ago and Jessica should have won. White Guys with Guitars have been winning Idol since Season 7 and I think Idol is going to have this pattern for the next few seasons. IDK if I can stand another season of Idol.
Phillip did not deserve to win. Phillip should have gotten out a while ago and Jessica should have won. White Guys with Guitars have been winning Idol since Season 7 and I think Idol is going to have this pattern for the next few seasons. IDK if I can stand another season of Idol.
I thought the Season Finally was going to be good but I was wrong House did not pull off the series finale in the right way.
I thought the Season Finally was going to be good but I was wrong House did not pull off the series finale in the right way.
I thought the new episode's of Family Guy last night were really good. There were some good joke's like Consuela on the street being the police officer. Also the Chicken Fight was hilarious and Viewer Mail was really good as well. The last few episodes of Family Guy were really good.
I thought the new episode's of Family Guy last night were really good. There were some good joke's like Consuela on the street being the police officer. Also the Chicken Fight was hilarious and Viewer Mail was really good as well. The last few episodes of Family Guy were really good.
The Credits gave me a good laugh with Homer's ''Poker Face'' Parody.
The Credits gave me a good laugh with Homer's ''Poker Face'' Parody.
Gave tonight's Idol a F. White Guys with Guitars need to stop winning the competition.
How the hell does Joshua get voted off? Philip deserved to go home honestly. Now I hope Jessica win's and if Phillip wins IDK what I am going to do.
Quaigmire marrying the giraffe was the best cutaway tonight. I was laughing so hard.
This show needs to be cancelled. I would be surprised if this show got renewed. Dwight is probably doing his spinoff show so without Dwight The Office is dead. Who know's on what is going to happen with The Office.
Also Idol is just going downhill this year a little. The judges are too nice honestly. Wasn't there a time where there was a strict judge? Yes there was a strict judge and that judge was Simon. Randy is the best judge out of all of the 3 and if a strict judge come's in that will help the show with views if it is a…
It suck's that Hollie is out. Phillip is next he should have gotten out a while ago Hollie derseved to be in the Final 3 and Phillip should have gotten eliminated.
I will try that next Wednesday thanks for the suggestion!
I only watched the first hour of Idol last night because it was getting a bit boring. I honestly can't last watching for 2 Hours on performance night anymore. I hope that performance night in the final's next year get reduced to 1 Hour again.