Mr. Flute

You operate a business and expect people to pay you but you also want to charge people extra for paying you?

Blanchett and Hopkins are excellent actors, but neither of them needed their A-game to play, respectively, “evil Galadriel” and “Van Helsing as a Norse god.”

“Has become”?!

I read that as: any method other than using their convenient in-store finance

Correction: Tom Hiddleston has always been the low-key best actor in the MCU.

Benefits people who do work in office as well, less traffic, less overall pollution as well since ICE vehicles will be operating at their peak efficiency due to less traffic. Less people at the office means less distractions and or accidents. Work at home means greater local business support, and healthier lifestyles

To be fair, there are scenarios where pulling insane hours in the office / studio / whatever DO increase the quality of the product.

To be fair, Musk’s relationship with Twitter is a lot more like Gollum with the One Ring.

The whole argument about “fairness” of WFH is just a thinly veiled way to make the working class argue with itself.

Absolutely ND. If for no other reason than that it looks to have been regularly parked on dirt or gravel. Everything will suffer from an abundance of rust and deterioration. Look at the engine bay. That won’t even be the worst of it. The ground moisture and humidity will have seeped into everything.

Only if Margot Robbie comes with it. 

Right-hand drive, looks shabby as hell, no idea what kind of skills that the mechanic had for the motor transplant, and it’s a chunk of change for a car that no one cares about. Yeesh.

I have read several places that this is a coordinated strategy to show Jordan losing support. There are apparently a lot more than 20 who don’t want him, but some are voting for him in the first few rounds to make it look like he has more support than he really does. With every vote, a few more are switching over to

EDIT: Lost the third vote.....up to 25 no’s now from the last of 22.

“faith” can be a power for good.  And I’m talking about true faith, not the “I’m hiding behind my faith and using it as a cudgel” kind.

The republican party went fully demented the moment a black man was elected president, and they’ve been punishing the country and its citizens ever since.

I can’t believe how many comments on this thread DON’T reference Beverly Hills Cop.

I did it better... :D

The best offroader in the world is a sub $1500 shitbox.
The fastest car in the world is any rental car.

If there is anything that I have learned from Top Gear and Grand Tour it is that the everyday vehicle is far more capable than any of us really believe.