Mr. Flute

I’ll second that. To any studio and theater chain execs who may be reading: we’re happy to go to 3+ movies, but acknowledge the limits of the human body and give us intermission.

I don’t object to long films. If it takes 3.5 hours to tell the story, so be it. But please, for the love of God and the sake of my bladder, re-introduce the intermission. 15 minutes in the middle of the film is not going to cut down on how many screenings the theater can schedule, and they’ll probably boost concession

I think the calculation for autoworkers is pretty simple: short-term and long-term pain or short-term gain and possibly long-term gain/pain.

“He (Bill Ford) said the strike is hindering the company’s ability to compete with automakers like Toyota and Tesla.”

That’s the thing; I get that this is one year only, has a stick, and the big V8. But he’s pricing it as if it’s mostly restored “and the price will go higher as it gets restored”?

I feel like Bamford’s more of a Morty, but would be a BRILLIANT Morty. Nobody does unbridled anxiety like Bamford!

Rick sounds a lot more tame than usual, but I don’t really care if Maria Banford were to replace the voices, as long as the writing stays consistently good. 

They’ve run the “Colin pretends to be embarrassed” bit into the ground.

If they ever ran those old episodes, they’d find out that the original cast had a lot of unfunny moments, too.

It was a fine episode, nothing special. C to C+ feels right. The Barbie filmed piece was the best of the night. Funnily enough, I thought Davidson was better here in sketches as a host than he ever was as an actual cast member.

The Princes of Comedy was pretty damn funny.

Largely forgettable episode but the Kenan as Deion bit was fun, esp when he called back the “dad” joke from the Ebony Alerts. Che embarrassing Colin will always be funny.

It also annoyed me that Frasier won Best Comedy at the Emmys for many many years at a row at a time when other sitcoms (Seinfeld, Larry Sanders) were muuuuuch funnier and deserved the accolades.

You need racism explained to you?

We don’t.

He should be in everything, everywhere, simultaneously.

“I believe in all powerful being, the one and only true God, who made all that has ever been and ever will be, who created all of existence, who crafted Mankind in His own Glorious image, and who really can’t stand to be mocked by one tiny human on one tiny planet in one tiny corner of His universe, because: God

I’m gonna go NP. For a good cheap old car in nice shape this fits the bill. It’s not necessarily anything special and it doesn’t need to be. You can take it to car shows, do basic maintenance and jsut generally enjoy it without worrying about scratching a museum piece. 

Is there any 60s car that would go for less than this if you’re able to drive it home? It may not be the most in demand, but if someone just really wants a classic, having something you can turn on a drive home for $6500 seems like a NP for just about anything from the era.

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