Mr. Flute

Nothing here is about empirical evidence, fwiw.

A bit surprised the 3-row 90s Mercury Sable / Ford Taurus didn’t make the list

Brother, why are you giving that gold away for free!? Talk to your union rep!

Today on “surprisingly not an Onion headline”

It would be hilarious if Beshear pulled a “McConnell” and just said he’s not going pick anyone. Won’t even talk to them or hold any proceedings. I mean, what the f are they going to do about it? Sue? That takes a while and then it’s 2026 and it’s moot.

Wy are so many of them based in Utah? That's a critically important question to ask, I think. 

Safe bet.

I’ve never heard of this person, but I just assume all parenting influencers are abusing their children.

Sustained. I’ll allow it.

No seatbelts, after-market AC, vinyl that gives 3rd degree burns all summer, shitty AM radio, throw extra kids in the “back back” and let them fend for themselves…

Posting the AMC Eagle Sport Wagon for awareness.

Neither. The Mazda 5 is an MPV, which is just a shrunken down minivan. In Europe, it’s a whole class of vehicles and lots of manufacturers have them. 

The last BOF wagon, a master of the road, in Blue Brothers parlance “cop motor, cop suspension, cop shocks”, can fit up to 9 passengers, and tow! The Buick Roadmaster was basically a culmination of lessons learned from all of it’s predecessors. It was easy to work on, had an appropriate amount of power to haul around

The point of an estate car is to have as much cargo capacity as possible within a relatively small footprint. Therefore, the best one is this English medieval half-timbered car:

I’d be willing to go about $5k for this. Yes it has the low miles but also it’s got a 24 year bushings and every single plastic component that can break. This will be rattling down the road with steering wheel wobble the week after you buy it. Chrysler products from that era were notorious for front end work within

He would have gotten another spin if he got to a 100 though.

I caught the same bug for Mega Man 2

As someone said on Twitter, he got as close as he could to 100 without going over.

Sick days during childhood were always a little better when you got to watch Bob on the Price is Right.