Mr. Flute

The 60% requirement wasn’t the part that people took the most issue with.

I think he was basically saying, yes, that they didn’t have enough time to sell voters on the idea. And at the same time, paradoxically, that he wishes they would have tried to put this on a May ballot, giving voters even less time to educate themselves on the issue.

People vote based on their best self-interests. The non-MAGA crowd Republican recognizes that abortion is a fact and may at some point be a necessary medical procedure for a family member. The group of voters who aren’t out protesting but rather making rational choices that rarely get the airwaves yelling are slowly

I proudly voted NO on this piece of crap. BUT ... it’s not as overwhelming as the article states. As of now, about 11:00 PM, it’s going to pass, but it’s 56% - 43% and could narrow a bit more.

The vibe I’m getting is that Adam Devine’s agent can’t get him a meeting with Marvel’s casting people. (“I’d be a GREAT Johnny Storm!...Tell them!)

Nope, it’s simpler than that.

I think it’s also that movies are just so freaking expensive these days. It’s hard for a lot of people to muster up that kind of money to see something that doesn’t strictly *need* to be seen in a theater. It makes sense to go get all the special effects and loud noises of an action movie in a theater, but you might

Pretty close to 50/50. That’s about right for a fair price on a car I don’t want. 

How much for the Saab?

This was probably a dead relative’s car and the heirs are just trying to cash out.

This is not the car to cater to your desires, but it is a great way to meet your needs. It’s a car. Being a wagon adds utility.

Even if it’s secretly a grenade, you can probably get your money’s worth of rolling around in it before it blows. NP.

2nd Gen MR-2. They are the most normal RWD mid engined car that I know of.

What on Earth are Feinstein and McConnell concerned about if they step down? That their party will lose their seat? Feinstein is from California, McConnell is from Kentucky. I can’t imagine safer Democratic and Republican, respectively, areas. These two are fueled by their own egos and nothing more.

Another comment is talking about the generation just after this as peak zoom-zoom, but I feel the peak was right at the end of the previous generation. I know I won’t get a lot of support for this but I still adore the last of the Protege 5s from Mazda

this one

Never forget what they took from us. 

Yeah, but as someone else mentioned maybe they were just using a digital camera from 2011 lol.  I don’t know, personally I think it looks pretty good myself.

Who would ND this?

Nothing says a car is being sold by an old guy who can’t drive it anymore like 1) Florida and 2) a time stamp on the pictures. Somebody spent some money getting this car to look like this, and some small details aside they did a good job (not a fan of the bumper delete). I owned a ‘74 MGB convertible about