Mr. Flute

The funny is he is so petrified of direct confrontation......from Trump of all people.

Haha - the thumbnail was clickbait! I haven’t seen a picture of this guy in years. I know he’s Hollywood, but damn, I thought society moved past combovers. One the one hand, I feel bad judging people on their haircuts, but on the other hand, I can’t deny the inner voice telling me this level of vain self-deception scre

It’s the hair. It’s an intimidation tactic; anyone committed to a hairstyle that ugly has to be crazy

Ctrl+F ‘Zoolander’ brings no results in an article about Will Ferrell playing the bad guy?

It’s so dramatic they made an entire musical about it!

I’m just here to read the comments about that hair.

I say.  That’s certainly one choice for a haircut.

Also a crazy idea that turns out to be true? Building cities in the middle of a desert is a terrible idea. Dumping 10 million people into an area designed to support closer to zero human beings is dumb as hell.

Scolding fascists about their breaking institutional norms won’t win us back our rights. Maybe Dems should consider fighting dirty, too.

It’s not like we required any more evidence to see what unmitigated total shit bags Republicans are. But I think we now don’t need to treat them as anything but a terrorist’s organizations political lobby and dirty tricks front.

Cotham “felt she did not get the gratitude or spotlight that she felt she deserved.”

As nomadic as we make the world look, I feel like it would be more likely to shrink for the individual/commune. Food would source locally as would basic needs, you can’t go 50 miles to get water, you would move toward the source and shrink your footprint. Considering there are tires that last thousands upon thousands

Yes, and the animal to really look at is the ox. If you go around America, we have been horseless for so long that there aren’t a lot of them. But you know what we have a ton of? Cows and steers. Between the massive dairy and meat production in America, in a post apocalyptic world, there will still be plenty of cattle

Thinking about it, I 100% agree with this. Nevermind motorcycles, Bicycles are the way to go.

The lack of bikes in post-apocalyptic scripts has always disturbed me. Complex problems require simple solutions.

A tow-behind is a bit different, partially because they’re a lot cheaper and you actually have a car to use when you’re there. (I get that you can tow a car behind a big bus RV but not all cars so there’s a good chance that that towed car was bought specifically for that purpose)

Inflation is global and not solely due to government spendings.

I think that the people who would be interested in an RV already have one. I have stayed in travel trailers in my youth, and briefly considered buying one when we moved out of NYC to the PNW. However, I cannot make the numbers work. By the time I buy one, find somewhere to store it for the 49 weeks a year I’m at work,

Their economists knew. Everyone in big business knew. Prices for everything shot up over the pandemic, but it’s not like prices will ever drop back down to pre-pandemic levels, or anywhere close it. The entire economy got re-baselined and now companies will work from that new baseline. That means layoffs when they

As they should.