Mr. Flute

There’s... there’s street parking, right there. For what? Trees? A park? Get rid of the street parking and put in a proper bike lane.

I hear car drivers are just peaches when they have to wait for five seconds behind a cyclist despite having just waited for 20 minutes in line at Starbucks.

or perhaps they are always having their lives endangered by assholes like you 

This was better than the article it’s commenting on.

I am a grown up and I like cars and bicycles.

Just keep making crap up and expecting people to know whats going on. This design is amazingly dumb.

As in “we advise you not use these lanes if you value breathing in the future”?

Dammit. Take them, all of them.


Someone clearly destroyed one of his horcruxes.

Is a cargo ship cargo ship a ship that ships cargo ships?

ICE vehicles don’t reignite hours, weeks, or months later.

This Leonard Leo guy sure sounds like a snowflake.

Sure, but let’s keep pointing this stuff out to them anyway.

I have a huge soft spot for the pre/post war styling. Probably about ‘33-’55. I would love to have a ‘35 Ford Pickup with a simple motor swap to something halfway modern just for parts availability. Hell, even an EV swap would do okay for these types of old timers.   

I’m a sixty-something guy who spent much of my childhood restoring twenties-forties era cars with my dad. He’s still alive and kicking at 90, but as you mentioned, it’s getting harder to find people knowledgeable about restoration of cars from this era. Dad’s dozen or so are sadly deteriorating in his garage as he’s

Enablers are very well-rewarded.

We’ve created a society where the uber rich can make the stupidest fucking decisions imaginable, ruin people’s careers and lives, and never face any consequences.

I am an old white male. I really hope the movie does well at the box office. I also hope it promotes some meaningful discussion about equal rights for women.

I had been interested in the movie based almost solely on Greta Gerwig’s involvement, but was also just going to wait for streaming, having fallen out of the habit (like many people,) of seeing most things in theaters as a matter of course. Big effects and spectacle? Theater; everything else, home theater. However, my