Mr. Flute

I find it hard to believe there is not one fast charger in any metropolitan area in this country.

I genuinely believe the EV transition is going to happen most quickly than people expect.

6 hours is what? 360 miles? That’s one charge.

So tax the consumers who are already struggling even more? Nah no more taxing individual people, tax these fortune 500 companies.

Was nobody paying attention during covid? We had basically curbed emissions for a whole year because, *Gasp*, nobody was driving. If you can’t do your job remotely, then Companies need to pay a carbon tax of sorts, and pay a portion of their employees fuel cost commuting to and from work (of course keeping in mind how

Want this suburban commuter to get into an EV ? Great! I’d love it! But bring the purchase price down, incl having EV “economy cars” avail (something in the price range of a base to mid-level Civic or Corolla). Have a minimum 200 mi. range be the standard. Create a reliable and easily available charging network.

A split-fuel market isn’t a bad thing. It gives more flexibility.”

I think we all agree that the overwhelming majority of American politicians are in the game strictly for their own financial benefit. So all we have to do is figure out to way to grease politicians pockets and before you know it, we’ll have a fully functioning EV charging network.

I don’t see a way for us to consume our way out of climate catastrophe.”

We won’t have a choice. The big international companies are shifting to EVs across the other big markets in Asia and Europe, and the economies of scale just don’t make sense to keep on making ICE vehicles for the US market alone. We’ll be like England in the 70s and 80s with its highly idiosyncratic and antiquated

I am a boomer, but I have somehow learned long ago to get my facts together before I open my mouth.

Can confirm. Served two terms on my local city council.

I like my Quattro to be road worthy. How about the practicality of a wagon, only available in manual, with a 0-30 time faster than a McLaren F1.  I present the Audi RS2

The obvious answer would be the one that’s getting all the press now- the 22B STi

He’s practically Foghorn Leghorn with a piano.

Usually I don’t get too worked up about listicles, but the absence of Malcolm X from this list is criminal.

Mazda 323 GTX.

There are too many, I can’t choose!

You’re going to put Gandhi on this list and not include the far superior sequel?

Bohemian Rhapsody? Really?

How did anybody take this movie seriously in a post-Walk Hard world?