Mr. Flute

If he had payed the higher one-way direct flight fare, would he have been on the same flight at the same time, to the same destination?

It seems like a bad idea to for the airlines to try and outright combat this. All it does is raise public awareness and point a spotlight on their “contract of carriage”, which they use to get away with all kinds of anti-customer service things.

can we just imagine for a moment, if Accord & Camry’s had Tesla EV tech?

Tesla is at the top of my list. My biggest issue is with the asshole pulling the strings and making ridiculous decisions that as an engineer, leave me scratching my head. For example, why would you put those stupid “Falcon Doors” on the rear of what is essentially an expensive family CUV? It seems they were trying to

This is artificial, blatant market manipulation. The insurance industry has seen how businesses have been successful in increasing their profits by reducing the supply of goods or necessary services, thus driving prices up. It’s silly to think that industries have to fit the legal definition of collusion to actually

I’m not going to get involved with the political comments concerning this decision. A lot of the problem with insurance companies and their huge post-disaster payouts is the fact that lots of people choose to live in areas that are very susceptible to natural disasters. It can be an extremely fire-prone area, or an

At this price it had better be absolutely pristine. Otherwise it’s a car to enjoy ironically or put to work as a stuff-hauling beater, and it’s not worth $12.5K for either of those roles.

I stan our new furry overlords!

My first thoughts: First good car for a teenager that wants to learn stick still, plenty of space for friends & good ol’ Honda reliability/gas mileage.

Assuming one lives in a single family home or town home, how much does it cost to install a home charger? An EV without one doesn’t make much sense. I understand that its a lot unless you happen to have a free and open 240v circuit. So for me, its the price of the car plus the home charger.

“Never enough has helped us as a species.”

There is a market force, though. If they don’t do interviews or whatever the powers that be want, they’ll stop getting that access and free tickets. And that’s fine. They can bite the hand that feeds them if they want. There are surely enough hands that every celebrity will get what they want. 

I’m not sure if any therapist, good or bad, would say that trying to gain revenge on your ex is good for your mental health. Especially doing so in an extremely public manner. 

Jonah Hill made certain demands in the relationship. Those demands were bad: super unreasonable, petty, controlling, and born of deep insecurity. You could even argue they were misogynistic or narcissistic; that’s all fine. And for his own sake, if nothing else, Hill needs to get over whatever is making him this way.

You know, i know they are both morons, and i get that, but sometimes it feels like we focus on them, and like chip roy and paul Gosar strike me as more dangerous, more irrational, have more seniority and power, but we let them slide because the two trailer trash women are messy. we can mock them, but it feels like we

As someone interested in buying a minivan (a Toyota Sienna specifically), you’re probably at $1000/month on those too, especially after the dealer is done with them.

Post WW 2, GM and others bought up existing public transport infrastructure- intrastate and intra regional bus and rail networks and systematically destroyed them, guaranteeing the need for cars. Simultaneously, car manufacturers lobbied for the creation of an interstate road network, allegedly for national defense

The non-car-brain response: you need to limit your speed on that road enough, so that if a black-clad pedestrian pops up out of nowhere, you can still stop in time - or not hit them badly.

Cars aren’t the only thing that crash.”

Moms for Liberty: Americans don’t know or understand basic concepts about recent murderous dictators.