Mr. Flute

It’s going to be amazing when he rips his mask off to reveal that he was Sacha Baron Cohen all along.

Exactly, he’s the Trump of social media owners.

Actually if you want democracy to function better, make voting compulsory for every adult. No more money and time wasted getting the vote out. Force people to consider, even minimally, how they are going to vote. It forces parties to aim for the more sensible centre ground instead of the loony fringes. How do I know

He just wants everyone to stop talking about his own stupidity caused his own website to DDoS itself after he quit paying the bills. He is a broke ass basic little bitch trying to cause a scene as a distraction, don’t fall for it.

We shouldn’t just skip over the casually dropped “procreation problem”. Fascists Republicans have for years been peddling the ‘falling birth rate’ bullshit. In reality, there’s plenty of people, and the global population continues to steadily rise. Any worrisome drop in a country’s population can easily be solved by,

Sociopathy is a hell of a disorder. But worse are the millions of sycophants who prostrate themselves before damaged individuals like Musk and Trump.

I’d be very interested to see their plans for this property. It would not surprise me if there are some extra 4" conduits buried to allow for easy conversion of a gas pump to a charging station. Plenty of space for more transformers too.

They could probably take a 4 pump setup and convert it to 8 charging slots

The goal of the conservative right, and the billionaires who are a part of that clan, is to destabilize society so that they can eventually control it by force and violence.

Religion is a plague on humanity. Always has been, always will be.

He was the best thing about Spenser Confidential, which may be the Markiest of the Marky-Mark movies ever.

And I’m getting pretty fucking tired of their incessant “If Congress had intended this they’d have said it specifically” act, when the entire purpose of the GOP since at least 1994 has been to obstruct, slow, and break Congress to the point where it does nothing.  In this case the act in question specifically

Just because someone slapped some badges on a mass produced car, doesn’t make it valuable. If you really want one of these T-Birds, they are under $20k all day for low mileage Grandpa only drove it on sunny days models.

If I were looking for an interesting T-Bird, I would take a long look at this and save $10K

Everyday I wonder if famous people on the internet know that it’s possible to simply be quiet. 

Same. I’d pay $10k for this car with a clean title. 

Trump sees everyone in the world as a means of his own gratification. He doesn’t care that she’s his daughter, he wants to ‘win’ something from their relationship.

I don’t give two Sheetz about this story 

Imelda Marcos! Thank you! I was trying to think who she reminded me of (not Jackie O., obviously). That’s exactly right.

This is all great, and applaud this effort to bring this to America, but can we also have an Audi a4 wagon, you know, something that “normal” people can afford. Or just a VW Golf R Sportswagon.

Best term I have heard for them is “Emotional Support Trucks”. Let’s make it stick and maybe at least a couple of guys will be shamed enough by it to not buy them.