Mr. Flute

Let’s look at the goal they’re supposed to accomplish for the Skrulls. Find them a new planet. It’s gotta be habitable, within tolerances for their unique biology (we know radiation doesn’t bother them now but like what if they can’t process salt or something?) and probably most importantly, somewhere the Kree won’t

One thing not discussed is that the US Navy has cold war era acoustic listening posts networked across the Atlantic to detect Orc submarines. They would have detected the implosion when it happened.

No. It’s not hard. Don’t be assholes!

Edgar Wright has sadly only disappointed me after the near-perfection that is Hot Fuzz.  I can’t think of a film that better demonstrates the results of good editing.

They order their filet mignon well done with ketchup.

Well, I think they are both right 

The real crime was making insurance a legal requirement.

Eh, just every day life in Late Stage Capitalism-land. It’ll work out in the end. Worst comes to worst, a lot of rich Californians will move to Wyoming or the Dakotas, or some other red state and flip it. And I can live with that.

Lettuce not jump to conclusions.

Well, the world thought it was funny.

The seller dropped the price to $8500... so I’m gonna give this a NP. It looks like it’s mostly original, has sensible upgrades (OEM Ford brakes suck from that era, so seeing upgraded brakes and tires are a good thing) and it’s in great condition considering that.

Alright, let us have our: “Gen-Xer’s nostalgia trip”, dammit.

Under $10k for a running collector car in decent condition = NP in today’s market. 

I don’t know whether this is heart over head or not, but my first instinct is to leap up, pound the table, and scream:

Now playing

Not really a “meal” but this is still what I think of when asked what movie food I’d want to eat, especially that teacup at the end, which I always imagined was the perfect cross between butterscotch and caramel.

The legal argument was that in the early days of dealerships, the manufacturers had too much economic power over dealerships. Also, they could undercut them by opening their own manufacturer-operated dealerships.

Q: What’s the difference between a Methodist and a Baptist?

Organized religion is a cancer on the human race.

Strange how they claim female pastors are a precursor to sexual immorality when almost all of the sex abuse, pedophilia and impropriety accusations and proof can be laid at the feet of male pastors.