Mr. Flute

Manhattan, KS is a college town. So it’s not quite the rural hellscape people might think it is. I get it, it’s not a big city, but it’s not exactly Deliverance.

I've seen some try to say that the fact Tucker was simply cosplaying as a white supremacist, mitigates his bullshit. To me it's actually worse.

Every accusation is a confession with them.

I must be missing the instinct to care about “saving humanity” or whatever. Humans aren’t going to exist forever regardless of what we do or don’t do. (Sorry for triggering your question existential crisis). I only have the bandwidth to care about people that will be here for the next 100 years or so. If humans die

Maybe it sat for years. Then someone turned the key without checking the oil (or lack thereof) first.

My objectivity would ultimately steer me away from this, but I appreciate it as I do many AMCs–as the product of desperate, demented resourcefulness using limited means. It’s iconic, and if the condition is as promised, easy NP for the person who covets one.

As women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ have broken through glass ceilings I’ve always had the hope that we’d see more compassion from CEOs, managers, and bosses. I had hoped they’d look at the model of the corporate white male and say “we can do better”. It just shows that no matter what shade you are, gender, or

Again from the party that labels Democrats and left-leaning LGBTQ+ individuals “groomers”.

I love that the person who could hand out bonuses is telling everyone to worry about what they can control. Ma’am, you can control whether your employees receive fair compensation or not. Then to go on about treating people right when you’re not treating your employees, what a joke.

C’mon SNL, I need Heidi Gardner to play her in a sketch!

Any classic that’s running and not rusted for under a grand gets bought. Don’t think, just buy. You will make money on it!

Saying out loud right there: party before country.

Not only that, but that appointment is only until a special election, so the voters themselves can re-elect Pearson and Jones and there ain’t shit the Republicans can do about it.

If you own the vehicles behind it, your tastes run the extremes of whimsy and practicality. 

They may not even be out of the legislature for long, as the cities they represent can appoint whoever they choose to fill those seats. Pearson and Jones should both be eligible for that. I can’t think of a better way to tell these racist fucks to eat shit than to put Pearson and Jones back in the seats they earned. 

All they have achieved is to turn this two impressive young men into national superstars who will be back in office in no time. If the Tennessee GOP thought they were being trolled by two Gen Z Reps, wait until they find out what it’s like to be trolled by two unemployed gen Z.

It’s amazing seeing how quickly what semblance of democracy the US has, dying before our eyes at increasing speed.

The only solution they will pay attention to is unfortunately too heinous to consider. Until guns start bringing death to GOP politicians (repeatedly) they won’t care. Naked self-preservation is their only remaining motivating factor.

It would have been kinda cool to hear Wallace Shawn’s voice saying, “I have thpoken!”