Mr. Flute

Only the Lego movie ended up being really great and had a surprising amount of heart and a good lesson for adult Lego parents to let their kids just play with shit.

Yes, if you don’t call them out, you’re just giving them a platform for their BS.

Gen Xer here, and I am also here for it!

I absolutely love the arc of his career; around Darjeeling I would’ve said he was done, the wheels have come off and the thing is out of control. But he’s just leaned into the skid. Most other directors would zig and zag, trying to recapture past glory and public approval, but he’s just doing his shit whether we like

I think the first time I ever heard the term “twee” it was in a review of a Wes Anderson film.  It certainly is apt.  Regardless, I love his films.

Same for this Gen Xer. 

Fuck the haters, I’m a millennial of a certain age and I am here for this shit.

This time they let Tom Hanks be Bill Murray.

I’ll do you one better - Why is Bill?

Aside from the fact not everyone can afford to stay at home and homeschool their kid or hire someone to do it, I can confirm as a college administrator homeschooled kids are the WEIRDEST and don’t adjust great to college life.

When a grown ass man refers to his father as “daddy,” he’s a fucking pyscho.

And they also aren't the least bit interested in saving us.  

I don’t know of a single regular person who gave two moldy shits about the metaverse. But four or five rich shitheads got all worked up about it, so we had to endure years and years of being told “THIS IS THE FUTURE” whether we liked it or not.

Someone better plugged in and/or with a better memory and understanding can correct me, but it always seemed to me like the metaverse hysteria began in earnest when Zuckerberg rebranded his company Meta, and that seemed to me like an obviously desperate attempt to change the narrative at a time when the company was

The best Chris is -tine Baranski. I will brook no arguments.

I vote for Farley

Just the one shot in the trailer of him with the lute was perfect. He’s got just the right comic sensibility for this sort of thing. 

Chris Cornell!
