Mr. Flute

At one time, maybe. Hotwheels has really put a lot of effort into their castings within the last decade. They’ve even gone back and redone some of their more awkward ones from the past. I buy Matchboxes all the time, but the gigantic, chunky wheels on almost every casting is kind of a bummer. 

I also thought this was a Bob Ross bio-pic until I read the article. It’s a comedy with a Ross type main character. That's why it starts an actor known primarily for comedy.

He’s not playing Bob Ross. He’s playing a character called Carl Nargle. It’s not a Bob Ross movie. 

You know what these collectors/scalpers/flipping are really doing? RUINING Hot Wheels for kids. My 6 year old LOVES Hot Wheels. He knows if he is being “good” then he gets a Hot Wheel every time we are at Target or Wal Mart. But he hasnt got one in a long time because every time we are there the shelves are either

I’ve been hunting for that wagon for weeks now. It will go great with the Stompers Eagle SX4 hatchback I bought in 1984.

My elderly mom buys packs of Hot Wheels cars and hands them out to little kids in her apartment complex as gifts. Adults get scratch-off lottery tickets. Everyone loves my mom in that building LOL.

Yes, they are meant for playing! I had just as many, if not more, and played with all of them. Once my nephew reached a certain age, I gifted them to him.

I think I have about 70+ hot wheels, all real car models and not fantasy cars. I’m sure a few of them have collector value, but they are all opened and banged up from my kids playing. Which is what they are made for, so no regret.

Me neither! I’m especially looking forward to Fosse-style choreography being used for silly purposes.

It’s a 1985 car - it’s coming up on 40 years old, it’s not a rust bucket, and it (apparently) is in decent running shape.

That sounds like a new AMC show.

But also, Joel was fully justified in killing those dudes.  Like doesn’t this Silver Lake place expect that if they try to kill people, the people will try to kill them back?

—It’ll be a crying shame if this show gets overlooked at the Emmys, this episode should be Bella Ramsey’s submittal

The Punkie celeb name thing might have been a waste of time, but it also provided the most whole-hearted laughs in my household. It was dumb and pointless and also perfectly hilarious.

No one in the world would even remember that joke, positively or negatively, if Will Smith hadn’t reacted in an insane way. It’s the silliest throwaway joke in the world, but it gave us a the world’s worst insight into an insane relationship dynamic.

You know it’s gonna be an all-timer when none of the writers want to attach their name to the article 

So I did some jokes about him. That’s how it is. She starts it, I finish it. OK? That’s what happened. Nobody’s picking on this bitch. She started this shit. Nobody was picking on her. She said me, a grown-ass man, should quit his job because her husband didn’t get nominated. And then [he] gives me a concussion.

Please Destroy Me”? Uh, Freudian slip much?

I get accused of being a ‘centrist’ or a ‘right-wing apologist’ on here a lot, when really the only thing I’m advocating for is for the left to actually engage with what the right is saying - like, the actual points that they’re making - and learn to dismantle those.

I see where you’re coming from but I disagree. Reason and logic do not work. Those are tools to explain to people who already agree with you why they’re right to think that way. If the left wants to win elections they need to manipulate and control the waves of hysteria that occasionally cross their base just like the