Mr. Flute

Wonder if I’ll be fighting the next Civil War? I hope not, but I’ll do it to protect my LGBTQ+ friends and family.

Fuck dealers

Glad to be added for the F1. It’s a corner of a growing problem! Most recent is the best non-animated Bat Mobile picked up from the Lane Motor Museum gift shop.

and this has also made dealers unlikely allies for buyers”

Kudos to the guys showing their Matchbox and Corgi. They know the real deal.

The cardinal rule of classics: if it was trash 30 years ago and trash 20 years ago, it’s still trash.

“It’s fine. It’s got a random electrical fault.”

Please call it what it is, a station wagon. At no time in the US did we ever call cars “shooting brakes”, “saloons”, or “estates”. When people use the idiom of a country not well known for its quality vehicles (c’mon, we all know it to be true. To paraphrase a certain Mr Stephenson, the British will build a mailbox

The Buick Century was never a special car. At $4k it needs to be completely sorted, not have a phantom stalling issue.

1930 Ford Model A pickup which was our sole family “car” in the mid-to-late 70s. Dad took the bus to work. Mom piled us three kids in there.

I am holding out for a Buick Roadmaster of the “Save the Whales” variety with a V8 ND

I’m really looking forward to picking up my neighbor’s Supra after it gets repo’d.

Because people are morons. 

Kesterson says that Volvo customers usually pay cash for their vehicles”

A lot of car buying decisions are made based on how the buyer thinks they will feel and, worse, how they think others will feel about them. How cool will it be when all the other people see them pick up / drop off their kids at school in a shiney new Derpmaster Turbodork SuXX. They get this image in their head and it

People be shoppin’. 

I’m driving around a family of four in a Ford Fiesta hatchback. Have had it for over a decade now. My wife doesn’t drive (By choice, as she can barely see at night as it is.) so all the driving falls on me. Pile kids in back, stuff gets thrown into the rear trunk/hatch area.

Expect bailouts of financial companies that goes straight to CEO level pockets and does fuckall to secure assets into hands of the working class.

Just went to the auto show here in my city and I couldn’t get over how a $60,000 (CAD) MSRP is just being normalized now. I mean, you don’t even get anything fancy for that. WTF?

Ellie staring at the Victoria’s Secret mannequins a little too long is SUCH a queer girl rite of passage, I couldn’t stop laughing. Even the apocalypse couldn’t stop it!