Mr. Flute

Excellent question. Why are any of us here?

why are you here?

Now playing

Please Don’t Destroy has only been here for two episodes and I already want them to stay forever.

That’s a fair take. It was more performance art than anything. I enjoyed it and watched it with someone who laughed out loud at it, but my reaction was more that he tapped into a sort of millennial frustration and sadness more than was going for outright laughs (disclosure: I am a sad, frustrated millennial).

I get it, the news anchor is cool. But shouldn’t this be more about Mr. Premium? I mean, c’mon. My cold grey heart just grew three sizes today.


Because it isn’t their Vibe...

“80's cat fight”? Hellz yeah!

This isn’t comedy.

It’s actually one of the better ones these days in terms of quality > quantity.

OK, but if conciseness is the goal”

He meant to roll coal. If his stupidity resulted in someone getting seriously hurt, he needs to pay the price. His parents obviously put the idea in his head, and allowed him to drive a huge truck. While kids are not known for making good choices to begin with, this goes beyond “I didn’t mean to”. For example, a bank

This just in: individual shows have lower ratings in a time where we have nigh-limitless options for entertainment.

Yeah evil is a stretch maybe to describe it’s origins. More like... immature, vindictive, and gross/creepy.

I actually logged into my elderly mother’s FB account and muted quite a few of her septuagenarian friends because all they did on the platform was post racist and truly awful memes about brown people, Democrats, etc. Mom actually thanked me for that. She just enjoys photos of friends’ grandkids and granddogs.

Maybe it’s just me, but the scenario you lay out crosses a line of contrivance where I just don’t buy the idea of a real-life, football version of the Red Wedding playing out in such a fashion? The idea that Higgins would have been duped by a fake story, that all this money—the helicopter, the security detail,

I think a large part of it comes from The Royal Tenenbaums being right at the event horizon of Wes Anderson’s style, clearly idiosyncratic and with all the same preoccupations and aesthetics as his later work but without feeling quite as closed-off and fussy as everything since. It’s undoubtedly a movie by Wes

Finally, the return of MAINE JUSTICE! Hold onto your potato chips!

Title of “What if... Thor was an Only Child” left me wondering if that means Hela just never existed in that universe either, but sadly, it wasn’t part of the story (I say sadly because having Cate Blanchett pop up to goth out the party a little would have been fantastic).

Also Selvig doesn’t show up in person but he